Note: If you want the good end, chose answers that are bold only. Despite that, he stated that he doesn't hate Elizabeth 3rd.Jumin is undeterred and enlists Seven to look for information to prove Zen's innocence. At the same time, he continues to decline Jumin's offer. 4. Zen often describes Jumin as a 'jerk' and a 'trust fund kid' who cares only about his money and is unable to do anything without his father or Jaehee's help. Zen knows that 707 isn't a bad person, 707 takes care of Zen in Yoosung's route when he goes to stay with him to get away from his stalker. Zen and Jumin eventually make up on his route.Being Zen's diehard fan, Jaehee cares about him a lot and is concerned about the possibility of him getting into a scandal and ruining his career. He has silver-white long hair with short bangs falling slightly over his eyes, and his hair is tied in a low ponytail which reaches down his back. Rika then persuades him to meet V and to get a photograph together, as well as telling him she knows someone who can help him become successful. Despite this, Zen can become very loyal and caring, especially to those he cares about. Eleventh Day

He is allergic to cats to the point that just seeing a photo of one makes his nose itch. 9: I’m not really interested, 10.

Contact him through: or call/whatsapp: +2347084878384This is a good post, thanks. 3. I know nothing. He agrees to model in the cat commercial rather than the teacup commercial. Zen would often confide in his older brother, who would explain that his mother was only saying those things to 'protect him' from being used by others due to his handsome appearance. Zen tends to compare others to himself when it comes to looks, frequently telling Yoosung to work out to look half as good as he does. Tenth Day 7. Due to this, Zen dropped out of school and ran away from home, renting an apartment, barely surviving with the rent while working small jobs here and there. He becomes grateful of the RFA, especially MC, who helped him understand the feelings of other people, and inspired him to reconnect with his own family. 3: Ya. While Zen likes to compliment himself, he often flirts with MC.

Meanwhile, Zen shuts down at facing the possible end of his career since he is only a low-tier actor tied to small-scale musicals. He tells her that he plans to officially ask her to be his girlfriend after the party. He sometimes seems a little wounded by Zen's vehement refusal of his help. He also admitted that he even did 'bad things' to survive, including threatening people for money.The rest of the RFA members agree to send the player over to visit Zen to cheer him up, and Jumin sets up an arrangement for transportation on the condition that she convinces Zen to model for his cat food commercial. However, Zen admits that he doesn't dislike Jumin as a person and that much of his apparent anger towards him is misdirected anger towards his brother, due to the fact he feels Jumin's personality is similar to his.In conjunction, deep down Zen self doubts himself, wondering if people only see him for his looks, rather than his talents.

A lot of people go through paints it’s hard to give up on true love, sometimes we pretend to be fine but we are not, fighting to get the one we love is also fighting to back out joy and happiness. I want to also let the whole world know that he can still help if you are been blackmail by someone or you want to win a court case he can help. Sixth Day 3. 10: (any) 11.

However, while it may seem he cares about his appearance the most, he wants to be recognized and appreciated first and foremost for his career skills.