Had that proposed hub of the Colorado River Storage Project succeeded, it would have flooded the Yampa some 45 miles upstream to Deerlodge Park and the Green another 67 miles to Flaming Gorge Dam, and established a dangerous precedent of dam building in a national parks and monuments. The Yampa is one of the few free-flowing rivers in the western United States, with only a few small dams and diversions, and flows through the heart of the City of Steamboat Springs.  USGS 09239500 YAMPA RIVER AT STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO. The Yampa River is a vital element of the community.

Few other communities enjoy such proximity to a major river with a high quality trout fishery, broad range of recreational opportunities and high level of scenic quality.Search autocomplete is currently not responding. Andy Cross, The Denver Post Kayaker Mike Doyle negotiates the Yampa River in … The Yampa is one of the few free-flowing rivers in the western United States, with only a … Its presence in the heart of the city is one of the prominent characteristics that distinguishes Steamboat Springs from other mountain resort communities, and the river greatly contributes to the community’s year-round appeal. USGS 09260050 YAMPA RIVER AT DEERLODGE PARK, CO. PROVISIONAL DATA SUBJECT TO REVISION. The Yampa is one of the few free-flowing rivers in the western United States, with only a few small dams and diversions. The program is designed to streamline and simplify the grant application process to assist water users in completing projects. Learn about current Yampa Basin water issues, ongoing drought and challenges facing … And a sincere effort is underway to permanently protect flows required for endangered fish survival in the Yampa by advancing in-stream flow appropriations in the lower reaches through Dinosaur.The Colorado pikeminnow can reach six feet long and is one of the world's largest minnows.The Yampa’s peak recorded flow was 33,200 cfs at Deerlodge Park on May 18, 1984.Rising from the Flat Top Mountains in northern Colorado, the wild Yampa River is one of the West’s best floats. Rising in the Rocky Mountains, it is a tributary of the Green River and a major part of the Colorado River system. The Yampa River flows 250 miles through northwestern Colorado in the United States. While water requirements for potential shale-oil development remain a threat in the face of climate change, drought-diminished flows, and warming water temperatures conducive to invasive fish species like smallmouth bass and northern pike, collaborative efforts to protect Yampa River flows continue to succeed. Its presence in the heart of the city is one of the prominent characteristics that distinguishes Steamboat Springs from other mountain resort communities, and the river greatly contributes to the community’s year-round appeal.

Though still lacking formal W&S designation, they remain free to explore and are often visited by participants in the booming recreation economy surrounding Steamboat Springs.Yampa Canyon and Dinosaur National Monument provided the launch site for the river conservation movement when a proposed dam at Echo Park was defeated more than 60 years ago. PROVISIONAL DATA SUBJECT TO REVISION. Rounded buttes and varnished slickrock walls punctuated by towering hoodoos dating back a billion years greet the fortunate few to win launch dates in the annual permit lottery designed to minimize impact to the gorgeous gorge.The Yampa provides about one third of Colorado’s contribution to the Colorado River.Beyond the Yampa’s known entities lie several hidden gems. Little Yampa Canyon, Juniper Canyon, and Cross Mountain Gorge have all been determined as suitable for Wild and Scenic River designation by the Bureau of Land Management, prompting the Colorado River Conservation District to abandon conditional water rights for reservoirs that would have flooded those areas. Though still lacking formal W&S designation, they remain free to explore and are often visited by participants in the booming recreation economy surrounding Steamboat Springs.Yampa Canyon and Dinosaur National Monument provided the launch site for the river conservation movement when a proposed dam at Echo Park was defeated more than 60 years ago. A large-scale diversion would have dramatic impacts on river function all the way to Lake Powell.

There it boasts one of the West’s most famous scenic floats at Yampa Canyon, which was the site of one of the nation’s most famous conservation battles when it narrowly escaped being dammed at its mouth in the 1950s.