Does anybody truly know?

Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.The purpose of the Y and Z holes is not known, but one popular theory is that they were dug with the intention of holding bluestones, but never used.The straight section of the Avenue closest to the Stonehenge monument is aligned with the solstice.

Stonehenge: complete or incomplete?

Stonehenge. Originally a simpler earthwork monument, the stone structure we see today came later.

The Stonehenge we see today is incomplete and only the final incarnation of a long history. Before Stonehenge.

The hose didn’t reach. The innovation to do this more likely than not been progressed to be sure. "It's great that people who know the site really well and look at it every day were able to spot these parch marks and recognise them for what they were," she added.Top Republicans reject the US president's suggestion that November's vote be put back. It was an accident. What is without a doubt is that nobody knows without a doubt why Stonehenge was fabricated.Most of the tourist visit Stonehenge at the time of spring . For what reason was it built ? It's an article by Mike Pitts in the latest edition of "British Archaeology" (Sept-Oct 2013, p 6) in which he draws attention to the find by Tim Daw that during the UK summer drought there were dried-out patches showing up in the Stonehenge turf. More than 700 surface features came to light.Commissioned by the English Heritage, the laser-scan survey revealed in unprecedented detail the efforts made by prehistoric people at Stonehenge."The result of the project were beyond all expectations. Likewise in the development of Stonehenge III was the burrowing of openings for one more hover of stones; this work was not finished.This was the story or conspiracy or belief’s of the local residents that were related to the Stonehenge this article is based upon our sources which are fully trustable but still even after knowing the reality it’s hard to believe itThe stones that remain are Stonehenge III, worked in the third and second hundreds of years B.C.

Indeed, the extremely straight and neat outline of the Great Trilithon, compared with all the other trilithons, shows that Stonehenge creators made deliberate efforts to shape it more carefully due to its special position on the solstice axis, just as they did for other stones that flank this axis.Indeed, the possibility that Stonehenge was an intentionally incomplete monument, with the sarsen circle only finished on the north-eastern side, has been suggested since the mid 18th century.The laser highlighted prehistoric carvings from 4,500 years ago as well as damage made by modern visitors.Along with modern graffiti, this image shows scores of little axe heads and a possible dagger added when the slabs were already 1,000 years old.English Heritage hopes to corroborate the findings with searching historic aerial photographs of the site and with future observation of the same phenomenon in similar weather conditions.Spotted by Daw, the patches on the ground -- believed to be "stone holes" -- appeared in the sarsen circle exactly where stones were expected to stand.Located in the county of Wiltshire, at the center of England's densest complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments, Stonehenge has been the subject of myth, legend and -- more recently -- scientific research for more than eight centuries.NEWS: Stonehenge Built as Symbol of UnityThis aerial picture shows patchmarks believed to be "stone holes."PHOTOS: New Wonders of the Natural World It is critical that these stones- – some of which were without a doubt harsh and rugged – were made gleaming smooth and, now and again, bended. Archaeologists have now been able to establish when the construction of Stonehenge began. Evidence that the outer stone circle at Stonehenge was once complete is found, because a hosepipe used to water the site was not long enough. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.Above: Stonehenge today, drawn by Anthony Johnson. "If these stone holes actually held upright stones then we've got a complete circle," she said. How they stacked these 4,000 kg weighted rocks over each other ?

Was it type of black magic thing ?

Why Stonehenge is incomplete? Due to beautiful nature and calmy climate in Britain.

Dave Fowler • History in Numbers • All third party trademarks are hereby acknowledged.Above: Carvings of dagger blades and axe heads appeared on the stones around 1700 BC.Above: 3D rendering of Stonehenge by Jlert Joseph Lertola.

The Stonehenge we see today is incomplete and only the final incarnation of a long history. Californians thought high-speed rail was a great idea when they voted for it in 2008. The goal was to frame two concentric circles; nor was finished.

Two realities about Stonehenge II stick out: The stones were overwhelming in the first place, and they originated from the Preseli Mountains in southwestern Wales, 240 miles away.What are your thoughts on this article ? Different hypotheses have the stones being a piece of a confused arrangement of cosmic perception. ""But actually there's quite a lot we still don't know and there's quite a lot that can be discovered just through non-excavation methods.