"They usually go, 'I didn’t know he was going to look like that.'"Earlier this week, Big Mouth's Jenny Slate and Central Park's Kristen Bell announced that they are leaving their roles on the shows, which will both be recast with a Black or mixed-race actor. Known for voicing Cleveland Brown, Herbert, and Consuela. Black voices must be heard. Mike Henry, …

From creating a person. Like, he’s not doing a voice -- I feel like he’s making Cleveland."Do you have a story for The US Sun team?The comedian served as co-creator and lead star on Family Guy's spinoff The Cleveland Show from 2009 to 2013."I love this character, but persons of color should play characters of color. THE FAMILY Guy voice actor who plays Cleveland Brown and Consuela has stepped down after 20 years to make way for a minority actor.

I will continue to engage in meaningful anti-racist action, to be thoughtful about the messages in my work, to be curious and open to feedback and to do my best to take responsibility for the ways that I am a part of the problem,” she wrote.Henry took to Twitter to announce that he will stop playing the show’s main Black character because “persons of colour should play characters of colour.”“I acknowledge how my original reasoning was flawed, that it existed as an example of white privilege and unjust allowances made within a system of societal white supremacy, and that in me playing ‘Missy,’ I was engaging in an act of erasure of Black people.Bell said this is “a time to acknowledge our acts of complicity.”“At the start of the show, I reasoned with myself that it was permissible for me to play ‘Missy’ because her mom is Jewish and white — as am I,” Slate continued. News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services.In 2018 at Comic-Con, Henry spoke to Fox News about being a white man voicing minority characters like Cleveland.Henry went on to say that "it wasn’t like I was cast as Cleveland, I created Cleveland."Henry, who is a white man, has voiced the character, alongside many popular minor characters, since the series debuted in 1999.Mum shares adorable ‘pay packet’ builders gave to her six-year-oldA statement read: "Moving forward, The Simpsons will no longer have white actors voice non-white actors."Naya Rivera buried in LA as death certificate says she drowned 'in minutes'Earlier on Friday, the Fox network revealed that it will no longer have white actors voice characters of color on The Simpsons."I mean, sometimes now with the climate out there of everything is very PC [politically correct], all I can say to that is I know where I’m coming from.Alex Borstein, who voices Lois Griffin, told Fox News at the time: "I just feel like you can feel when something is done from a place of love. You guys do this and tell me what I can do.

Mike Henry is exiting his role as Cleveland Brown on “Family Guy.” Henry made the announcement Friday on Twitter. “It’s been an honor to play Cleveland on Family Guy … Please give an overall site rating:“I can’t change the past, but I can take accountability for my choices. The spin-off series was canceled after its …

Family Guy voice actor Mike Henry said Friday that he is stepping down from the role of Cleveland Brown on the Fox animated series. View 45 images of

Then Seth MacFarlane created a spin-off cartoon with Cleveland at the center, naturally titled, "The Cleveland Show," where Mike Henry also played Rallo Tubbs and is executive producer. “But ‘Missy’ is also Black, and Black characters on an animated show should be played by Black people.“Ending my portrayal of ‘Missy’ is one step in a lifelong process of uncovering the racism in my actions.”“Most importantly, though, to anyone that I’ve hurt: I am so very sorry. His first role was Cleveland Brown on "Family Guy." Voice actor Mike Henry is stepping down from his role as the black character Cleveland Brown on Fox’s popular animated show Family Guy. Mike Henry's career has flourished thanks to his work with Seth MacFarlane. After two decades, Mike Henry is stepping down as the voice of Family Guy‘s Cleveland Brown, the actor announced on Twitter. Black Lives Matter.”A post shared by Jenny Slate (@jennyslate) on Jun 24, 2020 at 1:00pm PDTThe 54-year-old voice actor, who is a white man, has voiced the character since the series’ debut in 1999.Like us on Facebook to see similar storiesSlate said that as she looks back “on the nature and emergence of my own voice in comedy, I know that I have made mistakes along the way.”