The rectangular openings between the supports serve as alcoves and entrances and terminate in horizontal lintels to provide additional support for the semi-dome, which has an oculus at the highest point to admit sunlight. There is an easy way to do this, even if it costs a little more than booking through CoopCulture. Last admission at 3.45 pm.The tour lasts about 1 hour and 20 minutes.Today it's underground, but when Nero built and used it, it was on ground level. Its walls were decked with gold and precious stones, giving it the name the Domus Aurea or Golden House. Omnia card 72 + Roma Pass 113 € So between the white marble, gold leaf, shimmering jewels, and the brilliant sunshine pouring in, the idea was to make this a "golden house." And it was even better than before.There was a shaky year of the four emperors, where the first 3 after Nero kept getting killed one after the next. Nero made the most ostentatious palace ever built that no king, consul, or emperor of Rome would ever have thought of.On March 30, 2010, the return of the entrance of one of the galleries was added, extending the period of closure to the public of the archaeological site until 2015. In 68 AD he was driven out of the city and forced to commit suicide.Want to save this to Pinterest? The Domus Aurea (latin, "Golden House") was a villa built by the Emperor Nero after the great fire in 64 AD in the heart of ancient Rome.
Appointments are available for groups of maximum 25 people, every 15 minutes, in English, Italian and Spanish.
Its doors were opened again to the tourist in February of 2007 restricting the number of visitors and requiring the use of a helmet. The people will be amused and entertained and forget about all that craziness and instability.The spaces are large, and it's not claustrophobic at all. The famous fire that in A.D. 64 destroyed the center of Rome and the History attributed to Nero, gave the extravagant emperor the opportunity to have the Domus Aurea built. Today, parts of the once huge complex— now underground—are open to public view and can be entered from the Colle Oppio, one of Rome’s most delightful neighbourhood parks .Archaeologists are still debating whether this is a central living and dining area or a room for contemplating works of art. He said (something like), hmmm, let's fill in that pond and make a cool arena we can use for spectator sports. . A small rectangular adjacent room is decorated with stucco and paintings.Reconstruction of the great hall of the Domus Aurea with the Laocoon, in a painting by G. Chedanne (nineteenth century). And finally, the whole thing was exposed to streaming sunlight.So Trajan had all the spaces filled with dirt and brick - which reinforced the walls and created a solid base - and built his baths on top. (During Nero's reign, the Colosseum had not yet been built.
A passage system consisting of a corridor and cryptoporticus with adjacent rooms, some of which are decorated with frescoes and stucco with garlands, tendrils, birds, putti at play, mythological scenes and landscape views, leads to the octagonal hall.Ancient statue of Laocoon and his Sons in Vatican, Italy. Apparently this villa was used exclusively for parties, and none of its 300 rooms were used as a bedroom. Also, most of the structures were composed of white, sparkling marble, and adorned with ivory and jewels. The Domus Aurea of Nero has finally been opened to the public after a long period of restoration and is accessible only with the guided tour.The construction of the Domus Aurea also known as Golden House has been considered the most extravagant construction in the history of Rome.The Domus Aurea was part of the project that Nero had devised to convert and transform Rome into a new city "Neropolis" following the Hellenistic model in the manner of Alexandria, this is, a city with orthogonal plane with squares and wide rectilinear streets. It is estimated that the Domus Aurea occupied about 50 hectares between the hills of the Palatine and the Esquiline with a total area of 25 times that of the Colosseum. A few of the 150 rooms that were discovered were opened and the octagonal hall was not included.Guided Tours are organized on Saturday and Sunday in Italian, English, Spanish and French.