It is also the name of a city in Texas, Corpus Christi, Texas, the name of Colleges at Oxford and Cambridge universities, and a controversial play. English words for corpus include body, flesh, corpse, physique, matter, form and substance.

2. a city in southern Texas on an arm of the Gulf of Mexico Familiarity information: CORPUS CHRISTI used as a noun is rare.

Dancers often appeared as combatants: angels and demons, Samson and the Philistines, and Christians and Moors are just a few of the warring factions presented in Spanish Corpus Christi festivals. This means that … The two wettest calendar years have been 1888 with 48.16 in (1,223 mm) and 1991 with 48.07 in (1,221 mm), although from August 1967 to July 1968, 59.09 in (1,501 mm) fell, and for the 12 months ending January 1918, only 5.22 in (133 mm). Corpus Christi, also called the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, is a religious festival celebrated by many Roman Catholics on the first Thursday after Trinity Sunday, which is the first Sunday after Pentecost. The practice is less common in the UK than elsewhere, but does still occur with the wafer carried out of the church on a ‘monstrance’ and being protected from the sun by a canopy.Corpus Christi is a religious Christian feast that is being celebrated this Thursday June 12.The same kind of celebration is made on Maundy (Holy) Thursday during Easter week, which is seen as a solemn, sombre time for the church; Corpus Christi, in contrast, allows the church to emphasise the joy of the institution of the Eucharist.In some countries not only is the feast celebrated in mass but they also parade the streets with the consecrated wafer as a public show that the sacrifice of Christ was for the salvation of the whole world.The Church of England celebrate the feast on the same day but is know as the Day of Thanksgiving for the Institution of Holy Communion.It is basically a celebration of the fact that the body and blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is present in the bread and wine during the Eucharist – a re-enactment of the Last Supper, the final meal that Jesus Christ shared with his disciples.The celebration of the Corpus Christi feast was suppressed during the Reformation in Protestant churches and hence most Protestants do not recognise or celebrate the feast.Corpus Christi is observed as a public holiday in: Austria, Brazil, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, East Timor, parts of Germany, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, parts of Spain and Switzerland, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago.Corpus Christi, meaning ‘the body of Christ’ in Latin, celebrates the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the actual body of Christ during Mass.Mainly celebrated by Roman Catholics, the feast occurs in either late May or early June, on the first Thursday after Trinity Sunday (60 days after Easter). The population was 312,195, at the 2012 US Census estimate, making it the eighth most populous city in the state of Texas. Corpus Christi is a festival that has been celebrated by many Christians, particularly the Catholic Church, in honor of the Eucharist since 1246. See more. The name was given to the settlement and surrounding bay, by Spanish explorer Alonzo Alvarez de Pineda in 1519, when he discovered the lush semi-tropical bay, on the feast day celebrating the "Body of Christ." For every 100 females, there were 95.6 males. Corpus Christi is a religious Christian feast that is being celebrated this Thursday June 12. Where we serve you with great zeal. Aqua lateris Christi, lava me.

Meaning of Corpus Christi. Passio Christi, conforta me. Corpus delicti definition, the basic element or elements of a crime, as, in murder, the death of the murdered person; the body of facts or evidence showing that a crime has been committed. It is 130 miles southeast of San Antonio.Its political boundaries encompass Nueces Bay and Corpus Christi Bay.