An additional problem is that unlike dairy free, where you can rely on an independent, outside verification service (kosher supervision), there basically is no such service for gluten. karenlovessnow is offline Quote Quick Reply #3 Old 06-29-2007, 03:02 AM. For further information about kosher, please refer to our previous discussion on the subject.Heart and stroke problems are the number one reason for premature death in Canada.

benefits: vegan, dairy free, kosher parve, gluten free, lactose free, milk free, no butterfat, no cholesterol, non-gmo, halal tofutti better than sour cream, plain. Although distilled vinegar is derived from grain, it is not certain if the vinegar contains gluten.

How long does sour cream last? It’s often tough to know how long cream cheese will last because the “expiration” dates on the packaging can be confusing.. thebelovedtree.

Doctors check cholesterol levels on a regular basis because of the above concerns.Soy-based, non-dairy foods appeal to a large consumer audience. Vanilla, in particular, is typically distilled with grain alcohol. Yes, it sure does! What reaction an individual might have depends on the severity of his/her condition. You can drain it off or mix it back in, as long as you use a clean spoon. Just spoon the sour cream directly into the container. TOFUTTI® receives approximately ten inquiries a week about gluten. In most cases, those individuals are not concerned about the flavor distilled with grain alcohol issue since at worst it would be only trace amounts of gluten and their particular condition permits them to use the product, since they are more severely dairy intolerant. All Content © 2018 Tofutti Brands, Inc. – All Rights Reserved. These products are already available in most health food stores and select supermarkets around the country. If nothing seems amiss, consider it safe to use. The other two major celiac organizations, as well as all the chemists and doctors who are known as celiac experts, now insist there is no gluten in distilled products of any kind, unless it is added later.

TOFUTTI® is the #1 soy-based, dairy free, frozen dessert sold in either health food stores or mass markets. This way sour cream won’t turn watery or chunky once it’s thawed.

The TOFUTTI® production quality control insures excellence from the first package to the last. Inspect your sour cream to make sure it hasn't developed mold, an off-color, or an off smell.

—J.F., Erie, Pennsylvania.

If you feel that the preceding information raises your concerns about the safety of our products regarding dairy contamination, please do not use our products.

Our Better Than Cream Cheese and Sour Supreme also have no gluten added, although, once again, alcohol could be used in the manufacture of the flavors.

You can also use a plastic zip lock bag to store the cream. Once you’re done whipping the sour cream, it’s time to transfer it to a freezer-safe, airtight container. According to these experts, the only vinegar to avoid is malt vinegar.

Sour cream lasts for 1-2 weeks beyond the date printed on the container if unopened, about a week beyond if opened close to the date.

Customers should monitor Tofutti products as they would any other refrigerated perishable product and be guided by personal observations and caution.”