The Texas Municipal League is open for business. This is an important legislative session for Texas cities given the legislature’s increasing attacks on cities and your ability to make decisions for your community. TML Legislative Update Newly Elected City Officials Orientation August 16, 2018 San Antonio Bennett Sandlin Speaker Race / State Elections Update • Republican Caucus still plans to “pick” speaker in closed caucus, but… • Vote isn’t binding on House floor • Will moderate … 2020. When: Monday, June 24 Time: 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. (Central) Location: Hilton Austin The fee for this one-day workshop is $155 online; $180 mail-in.

The amendments also expand the ways in which the effectiveness of a filing instrument may be delayed when the effectiveness is conditioned on the occurrence of a future event or fact, including the act of another person.Although the delayed effectiveness provisions of the BOC have been amended, the evidence of filing generated by the secretary of state will remain the same.

The business meeting consists of one representative from each city, designated by that city prior to the meeting.Search autocomplete is currently not responding.
TMCCP holds five educational seminars each year.

Thank you. Legislative Wrap-Up PowerPoint. While the bill is effective September 1, 2019, an implementation plan is to be provided to the legislature no later than September 1, 2020. Comptroller Proposes Internet Sales Tax Sourcing Rule Changes; Archived Updates.

Welcome to your updated TML online features. The following bills, which were passed during the Regular Session of the 86th Legislature, impact procedures, filings, or other duties and responsibilities of the Texas Secretary of State.

Job Search. Due to technical and other considerations, not all those who apply will be appointed to a committee, but will certainly be considered for future volunteer opportunities. Policy Committees.

Legislative Update.

If a delegate has suggested changes to the League’s legislative program, the summit membership will make recommendations on those.

The 86 th session of the Texas Legislature began on January 8. Bills Relating to Business Entity Filings. The July 2020 Texas Town & City is now available. Legislative Program (PDF) Learn about the Legislative Program. Anyone is welcome to register. Evan Smith (The Texas Tribune) Presentation. TML Legislative Update Number 44 (PDF) TML Legislative Update 44. The amendments made by HB 3603 harmonize the BOC provisions relating to derivative proceedings brought on behalf of these entities to make them consistent in application.

July 2, 2020, Number 26. Cities should act well in advance of the deadlines in the calendar, if possible. Every year, TML posts a memo containing the annual calendar deadlines for the budget adoption and tax rate setting process. Read on... TML Coronavirus Updates: Questions and Answers . TML Legislative Conference encourages and facilitates member participation in the legislative process and provides a forum to update the membership on developments of the current legislative session. No particular expertise is needed.

Volunteers need only have a willingness to learn and the ability to participate in the Municipal Policy Summit using Zoom. Whatever the case may be, the deadlines in the document represent the last possible dates for a city to take certain actions related to the budget or tax rate in 2020.

About Legislative Services; City-Related Bills Filed (PDF) Legislative Policy Process (PDF) Legislative Program (PDF) Legislative Update. To develop the program, city officials provide input in primarily two ways.TML member cities may use the material herein for any purpose. Spotlights. Texas Legislative Session resulted in several amendments to the Public Information Act (the “Act”), chapter 552 of the Government Code. The amendments also narrow the exception to the conditions of a derivative proceeding for closely held for-profit corporations and LLCs, and create an exception for LPs with 35 or fewer owners by specifying that the exception applies only to a claim or derivative proceeding by an owner against a governing person, officer, or owner of the entity.SB 1859 amends Sections 4.052, 4.053, 4.054, 4.055, and 4.056 of the BOC to clarify that the effectiveness of a filing instrument may be delayed to a specific date or to a specific date and time, and to clarify the information required to be provided in a filing instrument the effectiveness of which has been delayed. House Bill 2840 by Representative Terry Canales (D – Edinburg) is effective on September 1, 2019. Let us know how we can assist you and your city.First, a member city, TML region, or TML affiliate may submit a resolution for consideration at the League’s annual conference. At the 2020 annual conference, those resolutions will be considered at the League’s annual business meeting. CEU …