"Amazon works directly with police to surveil us, stoking racist fears in the name of profit. The comments below have not been moderated. As part of his takeover of Washington D.C., Jeff Bezos paid $23 million for the former Textile Museum in Kalorama, Washington D.C., in 2016.The 27,000-square-feet home was already the biggest in the city, but the Amazon founder and Washington Post owner dropped an additional $12 million in 2017 to expand and renovate it. These renovations may sound extravagant, but their cost is just pennies Bezos, who added $12billion to his fortune on Thursday after Amazon's shares surged, as reported by Bezos is worth a whopping $125.7billion.Bezos' Washington D.C. wealthy neighbors will include the Obamas and Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump The renovations' cost is just pennies Bezos, who added $12billion to his fortune on Thursday after Amazon's shares surged they can to create a true meeting of independent Premium. The Pope house, pictured above, is named after its designer John Russell Pope, who also designed the Thomas Jefferson MemorialThe two buildings date back to the early 20th century and are connected by a walkway. The old museum includes two separate buildings: the Pope house, where Bezos and his family will live, and the Wood house, where the magnate will entertain.The Amazon founder paid $23 million for the former museum and dropped an addition $12million in renovating and expanding itThe old museum includes two separate buildings. Protesters have also criticised the company for allegedly mistreating its employees and for selling facial recognition technology to law enforcement. real-world solutions, and more. Join us to tell Jeff Bezos enough is enough," the flyer read. It will also feature a bar, a family kitchen, and an elevatorThe floor plans show there will be a big whiskey cellar on the upper left and a walk-in wine room at the center. In 2015, the Textile Museum was one of Washington, D.C.’s priciest real estate sales of the year, selling for $19 million to an anonymous buyer. You can also choose to be emailed when someone replies

Amazon's Jeff Bezos purchased the former Textile Museum in Kalorama, Washington D.C., in 2016 The Washington Post's owner dropped an additional $12 million in 2017 to expand and renovate it

Independent Premium. Jeff Bezos bought the former Textile Museum compound in the nation's capital for $23 million in cash. Jeff Bezos has been quietly jetting into Washington over the past few years, becoming quite the hobnobber around town (for all the details of his local life, click here).Soon, Washingtonians may see even more of him. Doubling down on their union-busting mistreatment of workers, Amazon fired and racially slandered labour organiser Chris Smalls. will be published daily in dedicated articles. Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos is reportedly the buyer behind Washington, D.C.’s largest house, a two-building spread that used to house the city’s Textile Museum…

continue to respect all commenters and create constructive debates. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? In 2016, the Amazon founder and Washington Post owner paid $23 million in cash for the former Textile Museum in Kalorama (yes, his neighbors are the Obamas and Kushner-Trumps). It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss Due to the sheer scale of this comment community, we are not able to give each post Surely they will have good guests, as their wealthy neighbors include the Obamas and Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.The home will have 25 bathrooms, 11 bedrooms, five living rooms, five staircases, three kitchens, two libraries, two workout rooms, two elevators, a walk-in wine room, a whiskey cellar and a huge ballroom for parties. The Pope house will also feature a bar, a family kitchen, and an elevator.The upper floors of the the home will include an exercise room, a TV room and a kitchenette in addition to the large kitchen in the first floor.The Wood house, on its part, will include everything needed for entertaining, including a grilling area, staff changing rooms and offices, a kitchen for catering parties, a coat room and multiple bathroom stalls.The Wood house, pictured above, will mainly serve as an entertaining hub for the Washington Post's owner's friends The nearly 1,500-square-feet Wood house will also have a bar, a limestone fireplace and a balconied promenade with iron guardrailsGuests will be greeted with a slab marble staircase and then move into the ballroom.The nearly 1,500-square-feet structure will also have a bar, a limestone fireplace and a balconied promenade with iron guardrails.