****“write, print, utter or publish…any false, scandalous and malicious writings” but limited to those that are “with intent to defame the President, or to bring him into contempt or disrepute, or excite against him, the good people of the United States>”Are you aware that we borrow lots of money from China?Pruitt’s problem may have been that he had heard so many myths about how evil things are in Washington with people “living high off the hog on the taxpayers” and “cushy jobs in the lobby for your relatives” that he appears to have believed they were true and that it was okay for him to act like that.
But you can bet if there is any chance of their being a link, drug testing at the polls i8s not one of the many additional voter suppression bills we can expect to see during the next legislative session.Reality is beginning to sink in…..the layoffs, plant closings and jobs moving to other countries have begun.You continue to load up this site with off topic, rambling, lengthy diatribes.
I certainly would not allow her in my home….or go to hers….but I tend to thing that a business that is open to the public should be open to ALL of the public (decent dress and behavior of course).I also thought about entering one of JJ’s posts…but I decided that they aren’t that interested in science fiction and fantasy.if they *compromised* it would’t be what trump or his voters want. Mondale lost 1-49. So sad; so decisive; so telling.Don’t you just love the way our Great Leader handles disasters HE CREATES.Not having the time or space to cover everything that would be required for a full answer to your comments I will try to limit it to the following:A manifestation of right wing hatred . Jan 3, 2019 — By Texas Monthly. A house divided is weak and certain to doom. If the First Amendment covers the California law why not ours?“TRUMP BLAMES U.S. FOR MOSCOW ELECTION ATTACK Ahead of the meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, President Donald Trump posted a tweet blaming the U.S. for Moscow’s attack on the 2016 presidential election. No sacrifice to my generation who allowed this to happen. But to be a proponent of Clinton, electorial college or not, tells me everything I need to know about you. All political. I was for building more refineries to handle the light/sweet crude we produce in TX instead of pumping the heavy, dirty stuff down from Canada. Meet Lupe “From migrant farmworker to Captain in the U.S National Guard, federal agent to the very proud Sheriff of the good people of Dallas County, I’ve dedicated my life to defending Texans and I’m not done yet.” Standing Out from the Crowd. Do tell.It appears that he is in a closet, hiding from old deamons from his years working and prostituting himself for a guy with all the moral characteristics of the ones he is now cussing. I saw them at Munich.’”The Congressional hearing today should have been mandatory for all to watch. Keep it up. But to capitalize on that, Valdez will have to pull off something that no other Democrat has done: awaken the sleeping giant of Hispanic voters. Kinda like reading a book or having some professor tell you how to ride a bull, or fly an airplane. In order to do so, they want to flip at least three seats now held by Texas Republicans—and the hope is that Valdez can help deliver two of them.
But some feel it had more to do with a possible impact on commercial baby formula sales.I didn’t hear you complaining when the Obama team was doing the same thing. But if not, gentlemen, God help your souls.”Wow!
Mondale I was 1984 when democrats also promised to raise taxes.
Of course, history told them that was not likely….That most of the money would be spent on mergers and acquisitions of other companies or higher dividends….just as it has at every other tax cut….But, AGAIN, this time they insisted it would be different. I suspect that is the ultimate goal of the left.Because of Trump, others will build a world WITHOUT AMERICA. The angry, to the point of obsession, still allows me to communicate with him.
?! You’ll feel better.“Our enemies are small worms. It is my contention that overtime it will not be sustainable. He has made massive mistakes in judgement early on and continues to spout off way too often.