Square Footage: 43,000 Owner: Tellabs, Inc. Tellabs risked becoming a niche player--and a target for acquisition--if it could not bulk up and offer more products. Email: Tellabs-Broadband-OM@tellabs.com FAX: +1 972 588 7070 . Optical Line Terminal provides centralized intelligence, management and control of the end-to-end LAN. This would leave Tellabs with about 3,500 jobs, down from a peak of 9,000 during the boom in 2001. Tellabs Broadband solutions can converge legacy analog services onto systems that have full support and options for fiber and Ethernet connectivity. Just as Tellabs had benefited from--and been challenged by--the breakup of the monolithic Bell system in 1984, the company stood to realize significant gains as the telecommunications industry went through a second revolution in the mid-1990s. The company's research and development department consisted of one man, a handmade wooden workbench, a used soldering machine (purchased for $25), and an outdated oscilloscope. Tellabs itself did not offer optical equipment, and Ciena would help Tellabs to bridge this gap. Tellabs Inc. Corporate Headquarters.
These products provided a huge boost to the company, as sales of echo cancelers alone reached $40 million in 1992 (second only to AT & T in the entire industry). They thrive on it,' an analyst told theAs consumers, we often take for granted all the hard work that goes into building a great company. Office Locations Corporate Headquarters. Although analysts had predicted that companies like Tellabs would benefit substantially from the new market, the new arrangement prompted intense competition as a large number of new companies emerged to compete for contracts with the Baby Bells. Marlin announced it would target OLAN to Enterprise and Government agencies, while continuing to support and expand its TeleCommunications portfolio.In December 2019, Tellabs announced that Rich Schroder had been appointed president and Chief Executive Officer. Although the TITAN 5500 only generated $13 million in 1991, the equipment quickly became known as the 'Cadillac' of the industry, according toAlthough Tellabs focused on its digital cross-connect systems segment in the early 1990s, the company did not overlook its booming business in echo cancelers. 'Tellabs is used to working in chaos. Tellabs was founded in 1975, when six men, all with various degrees of experience in electrical engineering and sales, got together around a suburban Chicago kitchen table, 'drinking coffee and brainstorming.' Corporate Headquarters. Tellabs Broadband helps service providers converge, collapse and connect their access networks in a cost-effective manner that leverages existing approved equipment and infrastructure. The company acquired Future Networks Inc. in March 2001, thereby entering more deeply into the data transmission sector. Others sought new ways to manage the traffic on their existing networks more efficiently. Whether it’s for home or hospital, corporation or college, hotel or government agency, Tellabs has the expertise. More impressive was the fact that Tellabs continued its tremendous growth streak. By 1977, Tellabs was able to move into a permanent facility in Lisle, Illinois, and its sales force had quadrupled to eight. Soon the company landed an account with Western Union, its first major customer. 06-484 . Then, in 1984, the monolithic Bell System was dissolved, and several regional 'Baby Bell' companies emerged. This OLAN system has the dual purpose of being the Tellabs corporate network as well as a technology showcase for customers and partners.