14th June, 2020 11:41:21 A medical research team in Taibah university, Madinah Al-Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia, has successfully treated COVID-19 patients and contacts using a regimen that includes black seeds (nigella sativa), which according to a Prophetic tradition contains a cure for all diseases. Once again, if you have any problem with the Taibah University application, you can contact us using our comment box section below or contact us link available at the bottom of this website.As we said earlier, the Deanship of Admission and Registration at the university of Taibah, Madinah, Saudi Arabia continues to receive applications for admission electronically for qualified applicants to the Bachelor degree programThe electronic portal has been opened and available to receive applications as at some days back and still accept it. - Deanship Of Information Technology - e-portal unit Hence, it might stop any moment from now.The Deanship of Admission and Registration at the university of Taibah, Madinah announces the commencement of programs available for the first semester of the next academic year 1442 AH in a number of disciplines opened to non-Saudi residents in the kingdom.Do you have interest in the Bachelor degree program of Taibah University? The King Saud University scholarship for international students 2020 is a great opportunity for international students to pursue their education in Holy land of Saudia Arabia. Do this 5-6 times a day.Take one dose [of the above] daily, until this epidemic ends.Take five doses daily, for an entire week. Years of teaching experience of respondents. Taibah University has witnessed an enormous increase in the number of its students. What is the deadline for this application?I know some of you will be requesting for the Taibah University scholarship deadline, especially those that are not well prepared and still gathering their files. There are number of colleges available in the university, and each of the colleges has programs which fall under it. “We studied the effect of natural plants which are well known and which scientific research has shown [to be effective in this], such as black seeds (nigella sativa), chamomile (anthemia hyaline), and cloves, in order to treat the Coronavirus [Covid-19].Pure honey taken orally exerts potent antiviral effects, enhances immunity and exerts tissue protective effects.One dose of TaibUVID* consists of:If there is severe cough or difficulty in breathing, you can inhale the vapors from black seed oil, or clove oil, or what remains of solution after boiling [and sifting] black seeds and chamomile.Black seeds (nigella sativa) and chamomile (anthemis hyalina) were confirmed to inhibit corona virus replication maximally.