Verbal restraint is very valuable in those instances where a dog might get loose and start running.

Many dogs know obedience commands. Unfortunately, some dogs will run away and not be found. 2. Proper restraint of a patient allows for the effective treatment of the patient but also the safety of the patient and the handler. Bending over for long periods may injure your back – place small dogs on a table, but larger dogs can be dosed on the floor. Handling and Restraint 13 You must modify this technique for dogs with short or pug noses. Standing position 26.

Use verbal restraint first. Both of these methods are used to allow one person to hold the animal and another to administer treatment. Select a surface of a suitable height for you. Rationale: Some dogs may object to the application of ear medication. 1-2) Procedure Figure 1-1 Restraint with dog in standing position.

Pull the ends of the gauze behind the ears, then tie them securely.

PHYSICAL RESTRAINT OF DOGS AND CATS Restraint with dog in sitting position Restraint with dog in standing position Restraint with dog in lateral recumbency RESTRAINT OF DOG IN SITTING POSITION Place one arm under the dog’s neck so that the forearm holds the dog’s head securely against the restrainer's body. Of course, you will know if your own dog knows commands such as sit, down, stay, and no. Muzzles can be purchased from pet stores or veterinary clinics in a variety of sizes.

Place other arm underneath dog’s abdomen or thorax. 2. Communication can sometimes be the key to better understanding and a problem solved.

3. For dogs, there are two popular methods of restraint: the standing headlock, and restraint while lying down. Action: Stand to one side of the dog. RESTRAINT OF DOGS AND CATS 7 PHYSICAL RESTRAINT WITH DOG SITTING OR IN STERNAL RECUMBENCY (Fig. If you notice a collar, especially if there is a tag, remember to keep this with the animal. There are several methods to muzzle a dog. However, never muzzle an animal that is vomiting, having difficulty breathing or is coughing.If you do not have a manufactured muzzle, you can make a temporary muzzle out of tape, nylon stocking, neckties, thick string, belts or strips of fabric.For tape, fold the tape lengthwise so there are sticky edges.

Even your own sweet dog may bite if frightened or in severe pain. Though injured, some can still run quite fast. • Gradually lift the dog’s legs off the table and allow her body to slide slowly against your body until she is lying on her side with feet pointing away from the handler. restraining it or the person performing the procedure.

Having a muzzle to fit your own pet should be included in your pet first aid kit.Capturing a roaming injured dog can be difficult. If the collar is broken and the animal is being transported to another location, take the collar and tag so someone can contact the owner.For those dogs that try to get away from you but stay nearby, here are some suggestions on how to catch them and offer care:The most important thing you need to do is place a muzzle on the mouth. 3.
For pug-nosed dogs, slip the loop over the dog’s nose with the tie under the jaw. Dogs: Most dogs are well behaved, well socialized family pets and can be easily handled. Restraint of dogs in lateral recumbency • Take hold of the foreleg and hindleg closest to you. Pull dog close to chest of person performing restraint.

Action: If necessary apply a tape muzzle. One of the ends of the gauze should then be drawn down across the dog’s forehead and Proper restraint techniques are an absolutely vital skill for every veterinary professional. 4. 2.