With the latest version of the Square app for iOS devices connected to a third party printer we launched the ability to print gift receipts.Just found out that Square dosent have an option for printing a gift receipt for customers. Currently square do not have the feature. *Go into your settings (in app).Then, a receipt that says GIFT at the top will print (no prices) right before the regular receipt prints! The dock was a great addition to the square stand and the printer. In the meantime, what if someone wants to return a gift? Hope this helps!Can't do it after a transaction has been processed and it will happen with every transaction but for the holidays that's okay.When you process a transaction, it will prompt you for a name - Just type "Gift"Unfortunately there is now way to print gift recepts. Turn on (blue) Receipts and Bills AND "Order Tickets" (blue)I wanted to let you know that our product liaison team is tracking this request.
; Tap Print Gift Receipt. This is an absolute must for us. From the Square app, tap the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner to navigate to the menu or the down arrow at the top of the Square Register. Do u have a work aroundI have a gift shop and people keep asking for gift receipt. (Keep in mind you won't see the gift receipt option unless you have a printer connected!)
Click Look up receipt to view your web receipt. Reprint a Customer Receipt. Thank you, I hope it happens soon. It is an important document because the recipient of the gift which is evidenced by the receipt can return the gift if later on found to be unsuitable on the recipient’s end. Select Transactions > and tap on the transaction you need a gift receipt for. How do we provide credit to the gift recipient? With the latest version of the Square app for iOS devices connected to a third party printer we launched the ability to print gift receipts. While placing the order, select the This order contains a gift checkbox. As a customer of a Square sellers, you are able to search online for your receipts from previous transactions. To look up a charge using the Receipts search form: Head to squareup.com/receipts. After the sale is complete, navigate to the Transactions tab by opening the sidebar.
; This post has a full list of new feautures and fixes included in the latest Square Register udpate.
If the gift recipient brings back the item(s) then a quick receipt number lookup brings up the original transaction. Any updates as to HOW to refund an amount to a gift card when a customer wants to return an item using a gift card reciept?
How do I accomplish this with Square?Here is how to printa gift receipt: Our workaround is to print an additional receipt (main menu > activity > pull up the transaction > issue receipt) and cut off the portion below the "Receipt" line. To complete a refund to a gift card the customer must have the gift card or gift ard number with them. I really appreciate your patience in the meantime! While our team works on implementing gift receipts for Square Register, you could print a normal receipt for gift items and put a line through the amount of the charge with a marker/sharpie. We can't figure it out since all returns need to be posted against a receipt from the person that made the purchase. Any options to work around this in the meantime?
Enter the amount of the charge as seen your statement, transaction date, expiration date, and last 4 digits of the payment card used for this transaction. There's no specific timeline for when it may be available, but we'll certainly announce any updates.I'm happy to share an update just in time for the holiday season. Or you could even put the receipt in a small card for the recipient. If a customer has a gift receipt you can locate the original transaction using the Receipt number. To print a gift receipt from the app: Tap the three horizontal lines in the navigation bar > Transactions. (on a Square POS not App) Thanks!We'll update this thread to let you know when gift receipts are available for Register. ; On the Choose gift options page, select This item is a gift and Email recipient a digital copy of their gift receipt after the gift is delivered. Their choices are to exchange that day, receive a store credit to shop later, or if a refund is requested, a refund is processed to the original form of payment only (cash or credit card). Here is how to printa gift receipt: 1.