The first pronunciation is the most common, but the traditional pronunciation of this river dividing Charleston and Mount Pleasant still survives among some older Charlestonians. There was a problem sending your report.There was a problem sending your report.Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audioA kind-hearted person is one who likes other people a lot and always wants to help them.© Cambridge University Press 2020© Cambridge University Press 2020 Share. Download MP3. How to pronounce South Carolina. In America, people who play the flute call themselves flutists, not flautists, and we who play the viola, which looks like vie-ola, are called violists.
Download MP3. Learn more. How to say south carolina in English? How to say South Carolina. How to say South Carolina. It claims to be a new twist … Pronunciation of south carolina with 2 audio pronunciations, 2 synonyms, 10 translations, 13 sentences and more for south carolina. And if you thought the South Carolina Information Highway was the path to the outhouse with the Sears catalog, you would be wrong.
Classical music lovers tend to worry about correct pronunciation, so here are a few refreshers that I hope will be helpful. Share. The South Carolina Information Highway has a swell new resource for you. There was a problem sending your report.There was a problem sending your report.Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audioYour browser doesn't support HTML5 audioA kind-hearted person is one who likes other people a lot and always wants to help them.© Cambridge University Press 2020© Cambridge University Press 2020 Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Learn more. In the traditional pronunciation, the "oo" is pronounced as it is in "look" instead of as it is in "loop." South Carolina pronunciation Pronunciation by kstone11 (Male from United States) 1 votes Good Bad.
How to say carolina in English? Pronunciation of carolina with 2 audio pronunciations, 5 synonyms, 1 meaning, 8 translations, 37 sentences and more for carolina. South Carolina pronunciation Pronunciation by rdbedsole (Male from United States) 2 votes Good Bad. It recently compiled a pronunciation guide for odd South Carolina names and places. x. South Carolina pronunciation Pronunciation by mrj6328 (Male from United States) 1 votes Good Bad. South Carolina pronunciation. The South Carolina Information Highway is a Web site: Add to favorites. Add to favorites.
Listen to the audio pronunciation in the Cambridge English Dictionary. x.