Salt is common, often sitting on our pantry shelves until we pull it out to season something. And after things settle down, nothing good has been accomplished. It cost the prophets in the Old Testament and the disciples and apostles in the New Testament. 5 Ways to Fight Hypocrisy in Your Life As believers, we have the opportunity to participate in His Kingdom work. It is no longer good for anything, but to be thrown out and walked on by people [when the walkways are wet and slippery. Salt and light were so common, everyone would be familiar with their importance. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. As if the warm, friendly relationship suddenly turned cold? Opinions are shouted. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? The result was a bitter, unpalatable mess. In order to do that, believers must take up the call to live differently. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, gifted to us on account of Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross, we can be assured we’re never alone. No, love your enemies. It is in the little, everyday decisions to choose and follow Love, that we operate as He will strengthen us as we walk in His ways and tell others about His goodness.I once had some bad news delivered in an early morning phone call. “Jesus also uses a graphic image - how can true salt stop being salt?” the NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible informs, “Jesus compares a disciple who does not live out the values of the kingdom with unsalted salt -salt that cannot fulfill its purpose.” This begs us to consider if we are being complacent in obeying God’s directives. Salting the earth, or sowing with salt, is the ritual of spreading salt on conquered cities to symbolize a curse on their re-inhabitation. Many of the foods we buy today already have it added. When we read, study, and know the ingredients, we will also know when to add salt.In the same way, as we stay grounded in God’s Word and learn from Jesus’ ways, we will know the To be the salt of the earth means that believers are valuable to the world. Being the salt of the earth shows us a better way.There are many reasons people may resist talking about the hope of Christ. Give them your coat. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. New American Standard Bible Many have been hurt by the church. Jesus knew what His future held, and He needed the disciples to understand what they would soon be called to do. We have hope for eternal life because of Him. Being “salt of the earth” means sharing that living hope with others.Have you ever had the opportunity to tell someone about Jesus face-to-face, only to see the person shut down completely? Now let’s take a deeper look into what does salt of the earth mean when it comes to losing its saltiness. We focus less on material possessions, awards, and accolades. After years of culinary training, how could someone not add enough salt?

But what made matters worse was the way the message was delivered. “Salt was so important and valuable that Roman soldiers sometimes were paid in salt,” wrote Greg Laurie for Jesus taught His followers to be careful not to lose the flavor of their Creator. The Romans believed that, other than the sun, there was nothing more valuable than salt. God’s plans for us are good. I believe He is encouraging us to continue on in pursuit of righteousness. We will live our lives shelved unless we choose to allow Christ to use us in this life. This distinction had to be made, because they were about to hear teaching unlike anything they’d heard before. Jesus died for us to live THIS life to the full.