Savukshaw is a story to motivate the young listeners to work hard for what they want to do to strive for success.At the end, Sarosh returns to his hometown and finds himself unfamiliar with the changed environment. A telling example, and surely the most startling water image in “Swimming Lessons,” is that of the guttersnipes—the naked Bombay urchins who used to expose their “buoyant little penises” in the garbage-strewn waters of Chaupatty Bay when he was a boy.

Criticism. He arrives at the pool for his first swimming lesson weighed down with fears and unreasonable expectations, burdened with old stories from his past as well as the hopeful beginnings of new stories. Luckily, FreeBookSummary offers study guides on over 1000 top books from students’ curricula!In the short story “Squatter,” by Rohinton Mistry, the respected storyteller, Nariman Hansotia, tells the local boys two stories, one about Savukshaw the great cricketer/ bicyclist/ pole-vaulter/ hunter, one about a Parsi immigrant to Canada, Sarosh the “squatter. The bikini sunbathers turn out to be middle-aged women with varicose veins and sagging bottoms. Did the weakened bone snap and cause his fall or did his fall cause the break?

The next thing we learn about her is that she was screaming loudly at her husband.

The father at first will not answer Kersi’s letters because he dislikes their short and impersonal tone.

She is visibly nettled, and retreats with a sour face.” As with Bertha, the comic atmosphere takes a turn and we see a psychological reality behind the two-dimensional figure of PW. When one of them suggestively adds, “You can touch my things any time you like,” the narrator is not pleased. And things never work out for him in this area.

That is the high point. In fact, this water-borne struggle between purity and filth is woven through the story. In this scene, the narrator imagines his parents’ joy and his father’s pride at discovering that their son is a writer. She reads his work with an eye to how her son is feeling personally. ” At the beginning, Savukshaw’s story is seeming inspiring, for he is extremely talented at what he is doing and his achievements are the result of his hard work. Such a Long Journey (1991) was shortlisted for the Booker Prize and won the Governor General's Award, the Commonwealth Writers Prize for Best Book, and the SmithBooks/Books in Canada First Novel Award. You feel cold, you come see me, I keep you warm.” His response is understated and yet precisely phrased in Mistry’s language. What finally works toward his rebirth in his new country is simply the passing of time. These observations are essential to the humor that permeates “Swimming Lessons.” Furthermore, they are indispensable to its psychological realism.