Read on... Roanoke County Modified Services Under Phase 3 . Visit the Roanoke County Public Schools website. A Week for Bulk Trash and Brush Collection Place all Bulk Trash and Brush to the curb by 7:00 a.m. on your normal collection day. Weather Roanoke Cam - South Roanoke looking SSE Poor Mt. The Roanoke County Department of Social Services is one of 120 local departments in Virginia's state-supervised, locally administered public social services system. 5937 Cove Road | Roanoke, VA 24019. K-2 students to attend five days a week, all other students attend two days a week, 100% online instruction available Phone: 540-772-2086; Email Real Estate Valuation Office. The Roanoke Times, Roanoke County Webpage, & eVA ; Closing Date/Time: 11/13/2019 2:00 PM; Submittal Information: 5204 Bernard Blvd, Roanoke, VA 24018 3rd Floor, Purchasing; Pre-bid Meeting: N/A; Contact Person: Mandy Clausen, 540-283-8151,; Download Available: YES; Fee: NO; Business Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (M-F) Related Documents: RFP 2020-009 … Topographic Map Files: Roanoke County topographic mapping files.

Updates every 15 seconds (1750 ft.) (not working with some browsers) RailCam #2 - Click HERE for streaming motion page They work in conjunction with A, fire, and law enforcement personnel of Roanoke County and the Town of Vinton to save lives, protect property, and stop crime.The Commissioner of the Revenue is elected to serve the citizens of the Commonwealth by establishing the value of property for ad valorem tax proposed within the County and applying the tax rates established by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors.Access details about this community-based program that serves as an alternative to a detention facility or as a transition from one of these facilities back into society.The commonwealth's attorney prosecutes misdemeanor, traffic offenses and felony cases for the county of Roanoke and the Commonwealth of Virginia in the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District, General District, and Circuit Courts.The Risk and Safety Management Division of the Finance Department is responsible for the insurance, safety and risk-related matters pertaining to the operations of the County of Roanoke.Locate county press releases, frequently asked questions, area news, and details on upcoming community events.The Office of Elections is committed to providing each citizen of Roanoke County with the opportunity to exercise his or her right to vote in an efficient and equitable manner in accordance with federal and state election laws.The Roanoke County Department of Social Services is one of 120 local departments in Virginia's state-supervised, locally administered public social services system.Visit the Roanoke County Public Schools website.Access Parks and Recreation information for Roanoke County.Access current county financial information, and learn about the current fiscal condition of Roanoke County.The Office of the County Attorney provides legal counsel to various County agencies.Search autocomplete is currently not responding. - from WSLS Channel 10 Roanoke VA City of Roanoke cam from Mill Mt. To find your collection day, enter your address into the online Trash Collection Location App. Employee … Monday, July 20, 2020. Read on... Coronavirus Update . Social Services.
Our customer-oriented staff and our business-friendly environment, along with superior schools, affordable housing, and the magnificent natural beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains, make Roanoke County an ideal place to locate your business or to raise your family.Access budgetary and financial information that support the county’s stated priorities.Find your trash collection day, review holiday scheduling, and learn about bulk and brush collection services.Find information about the county's employment opportunities, benefits, compensation, and hiring process.Learn about fire safety and protection in Roanoke County.Access real estate documents, juror information, and many other services available from the office.The Children's Services Act for At Risk Youth and Families (CSA) is a 1993 Virginia law that provides for the pooling of eight specific funding streams used to purchase services for high risk youth and their families.Make payments for items including property taxes, parking tickets, and various licenses.Communications Officers serve as first responders.

Partnership works to provide low-cost day programs for students 12 and under impacted by COVID-19. Legacy AutoCad Topographic Files; For More Information.

Please try again later.The Purchasing Division of the Finance Department is responsible for the centralized acquisition of goods, services, and construction for the County of Roanoke and serves as the purchasing agent for Roanoke County Public Schools for all items except construction. School Board approves expandable start of school plan for 2020-2021. Star - City Web Page - NEW! For more information, see our Bulk and Brush Collection webpage. A Week Bulk/Brush Collection. Return To Main Bids, Tabs & Awards Page. Roanoke County Economic Development Department has a new grant program to help small businesses in the County and Vinton recover from COVID-19 closures.

RCPS partners with area organizations and churches to develop network of day programs for Roanoke County families.