A copy of a non-recorded instrument; or a section of an Assessor’s Plat Map is 15 cents. Reduced maps on 11 x 17 are available in the Town Clerk’s Office for $1.00 per page. The fee to certify copies is $3.00 per instrument, in addition to the $1.50 per page. The entire map can be copied in the Assessor’s office for a fee of $5.00. Town of Richmond 5 Richmond Townhouse Road Wyoming, RI 02898 Ph: 401-539-9000 Fx: 401-539-1089 Staff Directory Richmond, RI GIS Map. Town of Richmond 5 Richmond Townhouse Road Wyoming, RI 02898 Ph: 401-539-9000 Fx: 401-539-1089 Staff Directory

The information provided in this database is the basis of valuation for each real estate parcel as of 12/31/2019. They are returned within ten business days.The fee to record a Municipal Lien Certificate is $8.00. * PLEASE CALL IN ADVANCE IF POSSIBLE TO CONFIRM THAT SOMEONE WILL BE AVAILABLE TO RECORD MAPS OR SURVEYSDocuments for recording can be delivered or mailed to the Town Clerk’s office.

(c) 2016 Vision Government Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. The program goal is to safeguard public health and protect and improve ground and surface water resources by ensuring the proper functioning and maintenance of all septic systems in Richmond.

Enter an Address, Owner Name, Mblu, Acct#, or PID to search for a property RICHMOND,RI: Welcome The Town of Richmond, RI has contracted with Vision Government Solutions, Inc of Hudson, Massachusetts to assist with the state mandated revaluation project for 2019. The additional $4.00 fee is not assessed.Copies of recorded documents can be obtained from the Town Clerk’s Office.

The fee is $1.50 per page. Documents are generally recorded the same day they are received through the mail, or the following business day. Any request for copies submitted by mail must be accompanied by payment in full and a self-addressed stamped envelope.This institution is an equal opportunity provider. The data available here is a snapshot in time (see dates below) and may have been updated in the normal course of business and may not always represent the most current information. Documents that are mailed must be sent with a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a check for the appropriate recording fees. NOTE: The real estate conveyance tax has increased to $4.60 per $1,000 due to the passage of the 2015 State budgetThe Town Clerk’s Office is responsible for the recording, indexing, and maintenance of Land Evidence records.Our records go back to the Town of Richmond’s incorporation in 1747.

The fee to record a UCC (Financing Statement, Continuation, Amendment or Termination) is $16.00 for a one or two page document; or $32.00 for a document of three or more pages.

At this time, our Land Evidence records are not available online.Recordings are accepted in the Town Clerk’s Office Monday through Friday until 3:30pm, with the exception of legal holidays. Pictured left to right:  Shaun Lacey, Josh Jordan, Bo Brown, Samantha Patton, Dave Tacey, and Al VennariThe Department of Planning carries out all the planning functions related to land use, environmental protection, and economic development required by the Town Charter, the ordinances of the Town, and the laws of the State of Rhode Island, and shall provide administrative assistance to the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Review.The Building and Zoning Department is responsible for administration and enforcement of the state building code, the zoning ordinance, and the Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code, and any other function required by the ordinances of the Town or the laws of the State of Rhode Island.This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Offered by RIHousing in partnership with the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank, the State Department of Environmental Management and the Town of Richmond. Town of Richmond 5 Richmond Townhouse Road Wyoming, RI 02898 Ph: 401-539-9000 Fx: 401-539-1089 Staff Directory Documents presented in person will be recorded and immediately returned. Town of Richmond, Rhode Island. Documents recorded July 1, 1985 and forward are computer index.

Documents recorded July 1, 2005 and forward are digitally scanned. Changes in assessments … title: Richmond, RI GIS Data: description: This is an example of using ArcGIS.Com as a way to access RIGIS data that are posted to the Internet as map services. The last reassessment was completed as of 12/31/2016.