the era of Kaguya and Hagoromo was only 1000+ years ago..not nearly enough time for Momoshiki to gather enough Chakra from massively weaker planets and Make Chakra Fruit out of them.Literally The scroll was talking about the entire Otsutsuki clan...since their Purpose is to Eat the chakra Fruit and Evolve.How is Momoshiki above Kaguya when she fused with the Juubi which has a planet level Chakra Far greater than any planet Momoshiki been on?© 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved.first is when Sasuke escapes the ice dimension wit a scroll right after fighting wit Kinshiki and witnessing Momoshiki.

We are an independent forum for intelligent debate about Liverpool FC that encourages good new writing about the club and football more generally. All the news that can be seen on the main page of can be viewed in this forum and commented on. In the manga, at the Gokage meeting, Sasuke throws out an hypothesis right after fighting the alien: stating a greater threat than Kaguya would appear. we have established that Earth chakra>>>>>>other Planets chakra. Forum; Topics; Posts; Last Post; General Discussion. Sasuke's Hypothesis isn't evidence that Momoshiki is above Kaguya.The fact it takes 1000 years for a Chakra fruit to even bloom. I originally used DraftSight to edit them but then that's where this red dot originated and the first time I could move them to AutoCAD and it solved the problem.The situation is there are small objects and they have assigned large lineweights ... that by itself is not a problem.Please also find drawing attached. now you can't turn off these items with one click, the only chance might be to select the objects by color 10, but these drawings are bad to handle. In the anime Naruto states a parallel dimension (description of what Momo got) and a foe stronger than Kaguya. I never argued who ate more chakra fruit...I argued the Chakra from earth>>>>>>>>>>All the chakra fruit Momoshiki got from Weaker Planets.How is Momoshiki logically Above KAguya who is....Edit: the Juubi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>9 tails.Also couldn’t find the other statement I’ll just have to play the game again laterUrashiki who we are using in the The VS Battle stated she Feared All the OTsutsuki who would try and Steal her Fruit.50% of the 9 tails had enough Chakra to power the entire Shinobi alliance to be 3-4 x Stronger than this panel under useable? I embody true strength at the very top.”Actually this, Momoshiki solostomps,Furthermore plenty of statements thrown out their for Momo being stronger than Kaguya, author's word. Page 1 of 1: JLA FORUMS | Classifieds | FOR SALE - California | FOR SALE - Sacramento, CA. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from … Ask the community or share your knowledge.Also when opening your dwg-file AutoCAD tells me that the drawing was created or edited with a none Autodesk application, which software was used? cancel. Last post by Red Cez in Re: A silent thread to p... on Today at 12:23:25 AM Liverpool FC Forum. E.g. Since According to Kinshiki Kaguya has the strongest chakra planet of all time Their is no disputing it they will come to take that chakra.either kaguya or isshiki stomps. Sale 4249500360. Direct & Dominate: Absolut… By PurpleGaga27; Wednesday at 03:57 AM; Site / Forum News & Discussion. Use this forum for any messages relating to LiverpoolFC - In other words not posts like "I'm new here," "FAO Tom, Dick or Harry", pointless transfer speculation or other such bollocks. Don't forget about the C&C Community News subforum. Red and black table and chairs Price: $70; Read more... chairs black table Red Sponsored Link. And Fused Momo uses his lava monster at start of battle.I say Team 1 wins High to Extreme diff“Is that all you have to say.

To join in, register to post or contact the editor on I dont mind at all as we know every juubi is the same as we've seen them used by Momoshiki on unknown planets doing the same thing of sucking up chakra also that Shinju is basically juubi underground like a root as we've seen in Boruto.Also my brother and I played the DLC and Naruto never said anything about them being almost as strong as them, Nor did they say Momoshiki was Kaguya level.Isshiki is easily the Strongest here and Carries Kaguya throughout the fight.chakra is something manifested in ninja not all humans on earth, and Sasuke literally says to Naruto "that Momo is here for the fruit which he basically refers to the bijuu in him"Momoshiki get clapped by Kaguya casually.Ten Tails>>>>>>All the Bijuu chakra combined powers.Also couldn’t find the other statement I’ll just have to play the game again latermaybe "our" is also referring to the Momo/Kin/Ura trio lolMomo's statement which comes right after what Urashiki said: he said she had kids and was sealed by her own kids... the Kaguya which was sealed had eaten the chakra fruit. Unlike the manga and anime n movie in game Naruto n Sasuke directly fuse into Kurama susanoo fusion instead of fighting without their avatars.