Her body spun away bouncing off the ground several times before coming to a stop. "It is pointless to resist further, I know all of your moves as well as you do." Yes his de facto home for the last three years was destroyed and if it had been any other day his child and the boy's mother likely would've been caught in the attack, but it wasn't and they weren't. Instead was just wiring, and some oil like substance leaking.The wave of energy crashed into 19's hands and began to push him back, at least at first, but within a few seconds Trunks realized he couldn't push him back any further.In the other direction Cooler lay on the ground howling in pain as he curled around his mangled arm.Lord Slug knew he was lucky to have been as weak as he was when he first arrived. Maybe this assignment will be fun after all." "No other takers? 'He never got the chance as the debris in the crater burst forth a second blast heading right for him.Appearing out of thin air Android 17 floated a short distance away willing his two attacks onwards his outstretched hands seemingly trying to crush Goku at a distance.Times had since changed. She silently thanked Dr. Wheelo for his last minute contributions to her design. In half second pause between his last blow landing and now Cooler had phased out of his previous spot, appearing behind the 18 who just noticed the Cooler in front of her was quickly fading away. Back and forth the defensive battle raged. Even escaping his initial hold on her had forced her to reveal the true extent of her strength. "I've got you." Somewhere a Super Namekian, the likes of which the universe had never seen before had risen. Maybe this assignment will be fun after all." He was sure he could even defeat the blasted Namekian who had passed him now.Her inner thoughts were interrupted as Cooler's fist cut through her view.
'I've got to use it soon...if I don't I'm dead…' she thought as she began the preparations to use her last resort. Android 14 said with a sneer.
Android 16 cold voice rang out, not taunting, no humor in his voice, just as if he was simply stating facts. He sincerely completed his opponent, "If the situation was different I might even say this has been fun. 'Speed is the only way around his defenses.' Android 13 added his eyes locked onto Nappa, his voice brimming with confidence.Even before he was capable of following all of Cold's movements, he could even follow most of Cepa's as well.Finally one last upper cut sent her flying. "Fine I'll…" He started to mutter when he noticed a common factor in the other fights.
"So three walking toasters decided to save us the trouble of hunting them down, wasn't that considerate of them Nappa?" To make matters worse each counter attack was able to cut right through Piccolo's defenses.A particularly pointed attack cut right through his defenses and slammed into the Namekians solar plexus, a spray of purple blood from Piccolo's was the reward.Trunks was having trouble keeping up with Android 19, although he had watched the limited videos of this particular Androids brief time as a threat in the future, the style he was currently using was completely different.
"Welcome to my castle, please make yourself at home." Android 16 announced as he approached the still shell shocked Namekian on the ground. 4:56.