Famous Wise Messages & Words Of Wisdom. Skip to content. Oh, and cool pics about Quotes That Gives You Chills. Contest page: wic.library.upenn.edu/wicideas/gotvisual10.htmlI believe our lives are made up of many tiny stories, And… Inspirational people… So, I asked some of my family to give me a quote or saying that we could put on our son’s w…PONDERING, WISDOM & SAYINGSPost anything (from anywhere! Pink cars are good, especially old ones. !Never feel sad on losing any thing in your life!!! A loyal friend is better than a royal friend.When GOD solves your problems, You have faith in his abilities…. – Abraham MaslowListen to your elder’s advice, not because they are always right but because they have more experiences of being wrong!The trouble with a Rat race is that even if you win, you are still a Rat. Baby teeth.” ― Francesca Lia Block

Luck to me is something else; hard work and realizing what is opportunity and what isn’t.Alphabet ‘O’ stands for ‘OPPORTUNITY’ which is absent in YESTERDAY, Available Once in T’O’DAY, & Available Thrice in T’O’M’O’RR’O’W. Never lose hope.Do not dump your woes upon people, keep the sad story of your life to yourself. But if you become too practical it’s too tough too respect relation.Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind you can’t change the past but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future.Successful People Always Have Two Things ON Their Lips, Silence and Smile” “SILENCE” to avoid problems and “SMILE” to solve problems.Never get tired of doing little things for others, some times these little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts..!

Also, Quotes That Gives You Chills photos.Posted via email from roborange.posterous.com/just-sayin-7945Serenity comes when you trade expectations for acceptance ~ BuddhaKid-wrangler, cat-lover, and often reluctant director of this crazy cruise, blogging ways to make mom life the best life!

Just For Fun. Quotes are powerful.More than 4500 wise persons receive it every day.It’s a place where we put people first.And the best part? The truth might surprise you.I don’t know anything about luck.

Life would be a lot easier if I could put my feelings and thoughts into words.Life is not always smooth & soft there may be narrow ways up & downs darkness & shadows Overcome everything with wisdom & patience.A good way to change someone’s attitude, is to change your own because the same sun that melts SNOW also hardens CLAY. Wisdom & Wishes, Oak Island, North Carolina. Therefore, if you would understand. "If you wish to live long you must be willing to grow old." Benjamin Franklin Famous | "Let's make a wish for ourselves and a person we love and send it out into the world, or listen to a guided audio meditation, or choose to be happy for no reason. There's no clutter here, only the best quotes, lines and thoughts about life, happiness, love, leadership, family and wisdom.

Dec 21, 2013 - Explore Joan Diskin's board "Birthday wisdom" on Pinterest. George Lawton Wise | "Wish not so much to live long as to live well."