Data displays "error 67" and text message won't send. Where can I see what my phone looks like on qlink? My friend got one too. Each type comes in a variety of materials and offers some protection for your phone. Now they have the N818S which is a VAST improvement, and really not terrible at all. Close search. Haha it's FREEEEEE you selfish ass idiots!! Most of my calls won't go through and when I receive a call it takes so long to connect the person calling usually hangs up! It's a VERY old phone (If you want to upgrade they will sell you another ZTE for $25 but it's at least 6 years old) My phone is so slow, if I had an emergency I would die before I could make a 911 call. I'm about to toss this piece of crap where it belongs, in the garbage. The same day I got the notice that my new phone is "on the way" my original existing phone stopped working. I haven't had any issues with Q-Link Wireless whatsoever. If you prefer a standard case for your mobile phone, there are several types from which you can choose. Like I said it's a racket company siphoning from people. Came with a ton of data already used. I hope I have a good experience. It is a great phone worth waiting for, just not Alot of memory compasity.Having an SD card does help but if you are installing a bunch of apps that are non-transferable to that SD card, it would be as if you didn't have an SD card to begin with. !Listen...somethings not adding up people Because if I had a laptop computer n my possession.i doubt very seriously I would b asking for a free phone! Who cares if that free 1gb of data is unusable because the phone only loads & loads & loads, never actually getting into an app! Had the phone for 8months now and have never been able to stay on wifi for more than 15 secs. place the SD on this spot while gently sliding the top portion of the SD into this area. I never use all my mins, texts or data. Get 'em before we sell out! As a matter of fact, I’ve been on a lifeline phone for about 10 years now and this is the best one I’ve ever had.It took mine about 3 weeks. Outgoing calls go to an external network. After receiving the phone, the Bluetooth keeps turning off. !Do they cut your phone off while your new phone is shipping? Oh wait! I love it!! Hope this helps.I have a ZTE 3001S. It was sent 5/22/18 I've been using the tracker but that hasn't been giving me any new info. This is absolutely premium service. selfish ass idiots? Not the phone doesn’t work at all. They asked for dates $ was taken. It will also turn off my battery saver at random times. DISGUST not thanxI have a ZTE Z3001S the phone works good as long as you know what your doing! I can not install any apps whatsoever after the recent update. Haven't used and I'm at my limit. !Does anyone know about the Qlink Call History log? Browse ZTE phone covers and cell phone cases at discounted prices. Appx half of the time, my phone will just load & load after dialing a number. It took about 2 weeks top for me.HELLO, I just ordered a Q Link phone and im praying that it will hold apps that won't crash like some others have indicated. Being grateful implies there’s something to be grateful for. Can't say I blame them. Maybe it depends on the person who refurbished it. Be patient. When somebody calls me the phone always hangs up on them or its garbled. Plus it's free.Q Link sent me a Z3001s which I activated in May, but even though I could receive calls, I could not initiate an outgoing call.