While abroad, students are expected to make steady progress on their dissertation research and writing and to maintain regular contact with the Graduate Chair and the dissertation advisor.Students will be scheduled individually for a one-hour oral exam within two weeks of the written exam. Course work. Please see requirement worksheet here: form_FREN.doc All students should take at least one course in each period of French literature. Brown, Heidi. You will undertake a program of study aiming to produce original, thoughtful, and rigorous research in a carefully chosen area of French and/or Francophone studies. The length of the answer shall be approximately 15 pages. “From Sensation to Representation: The Torture of Djamila Boupacha during the Algerian War.” Women in French 26 (2018): 83-95. Failure on the written exam will disqualify students from taking the oral exam.After each course, students will receive a "Graduate Progress Report" which will evaluate their work in the course and will also record whether they wrote their papers in French or in English. These awards provide a stipend for every course taught and may cover the dissertation tuition.

See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Stephanie’s connections and jobs at similar companies. That is, a student may receive credit for graduate course work done at another institution in the terms specified by the Graduate School of the University of Pennsylvania; but the above departmental requirements must be satisfied either by courses taken previously, by course work pursued at the University of Pennsylvania, or by a combination thereof.This requirement may be satisfied one of three ways:FALL: 3 courses and ROML 690 (Audit)During the summer after the student's second year, he or she will work with an advisor to prepare a 10-12 page Field Statement (with bibliography) on his or her prospective areas of specialization, to be presented at the beginning of the Fall semester of the student's third year to a committee. French Forum (forthcoming).
One month in advance of the date of the written exam, students will be given three texts to prepare; they will be selected from the Masters Reading List by the Graduate Chair. The grade for the written exam will be pass/fail. PhD December 10, 2019: December 10, 2019: Sample of a recent critical paper written in English (15-25 pages). As well as listing doctoral opportunities and scholarships, we also provide a wide range of advice on postgraduate research and funding.. Our study guides will help you find the right PhD and explain what doing a PhD is actually like. Because the faculty does not wish to encourage any student who may not be able to complete the degree with distinction, students who have not shown adequate command of oral and/or written French, have failed a course, have a grade point average lower than 3.5, or have generally performed below expectations may be placed on departmental probation, asked to finish the requirements for a terminal M.A., or asked to leave the program.SPRING: 4 courses (including FREN 500) PhD in French Studies.

- Failed the evaluation and is asked to withdraw from the program at the end of the semester in which the evaluation takes place.It is expected that graduate students in French and Francophone Studies will take advantage of our exchange programs with the Universities of Paris and Geneva. A student who is judged eligible for a terminal Master's degree will be required to finish the third semester of coursework in order to receive the degree.Dissertation Defense.

As part of French 851, students will prepare a proposal of at least 10-15 pages with an appended bibliography (see description of French 851 above). The program requirements consist of ten graduate-level courses, at least nine of which are completed in the French Department, and a final, comprehensive exam. Such students may follow an accelerated schedule with respect to course work, exams, and dissertation preparation. Brown, Heidi.
In most cases, students will spend their fourth or fifth year abroad according to whichever exchange program best fits their research needs. You will undertake a program of study aiming to produce original, thoughtful, and rigorous research in a carefully chosen area of French and/or Francophone studies. The grade for the oral exam will be pass/fail.Students who have finished all pre-dissertation requirements and who no longer receive fellowship support are eligible for a lectureship. Students will also receive summer stipends (July and August) in their first three years on the Benjamin Franklin Fellowship. View Stephanie Brown’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community.