Yes it is possible to create an Orpheus Telos with all of those skills. Includes Orpheus (Female)'s stats, skills, strengths, weaknesses, and more. Home‎ > ‎Personas‎ > ‎ Orpheus Telos. For Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Orpheus Telos build? I also added a comic to throw in a few Persona for his fusion.Koromaru didn't even face doesn't need to face his enemy.

Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. AWESOME :D Persona 3 FES / Portable: Fool Arcana 2. And Siegfried persona on MC for the win! 1 diamonds 397 views 11 downloads 0 comments 0 favorited. refresh Roll Random Skin! a tous j ai cree se topic pour parler un peu plus de ce persona un peu particulier. Shin Megami Tensei- Lucifer . Orpheus Telos. For Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Unlocking Orpheus Telos? I hated not ever having him in the series. I ended it with lvl 89 mc everyone else was like 79.Last panel was changed to add Orpheus Telos into the equation. Lv 4. Et enfin, nous n'avons pas à nous soucier de la jalousie de nos prétendants (puisqu'on ne peut PAS sortir en même temps avec Shinjiro et avec Akihiko, et que l'amour qui unie Minako et Ryoji relève plus de l'amour platonique, à mon sens, une sorte d'âme soeur, un autre "moi"... Akihiko nous en voudra pas X) )Bref, dans la version fille, maxer tous les est un jeu d'enfant (enfin, à partir de la 2e partie, parce qu'il faut quand même savoir gérer son temps, et connaître un minimum les personnages pour ne pas les froisser...)J'ai quasiment fini la version mec en mode maniac, et j'ai bien peur que, malgré mon expérience, je n'arrive pas à tout maxer... Ce qui est assez frustrant >.< (m'enfin, au pire, je recommencerai une 4e fois le jeu ^^ je me lasse toujours pas)

Orpheus Telos is the ultimate form of the fool arcana. Taught to sing verses by his mother, Orpheus was so skilled at making music that he was called \"Master of Strings\" and \"Father of Songs\", capable of such music that even rocks and animals would be comp…

playlist_add. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth: Fool Arcana (Free DLC) 3. i used to Fuse him a lot hoping to get a powerful Persona but no Luck. Strategy. 0 0 0. We're a community of creatives sharing everything Minecraft! Gues I never leveled her enough. Home. Last panel was changed to add Orpheus Telos into the equation. Orpheus Telos is normally used to fight Elizabeth or Theodore. I hated not ever having him in the series. just wait till you get the Persona Aspharas then you'll get the Cardenza skill, it's usefull.

Apollo, fond of Orpheus, gave him a small golden lyre, which he quickly mastered. The only way to get him is to max out all the social links in one run. :OWE HAVE THE SAME TEAM. More Skins by Shadowhawk26. I also added a comic to throw in a few Persona … Mitsuru Nuke? :pOhh...Armageddon! Siegfried with Diarama!My team was Akihiko, Mitsuru and Aegis. Join us! VIEW. Orpheus is by far the best persona in the game. This is the hardest part of the preparations. Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth: Fool Arcana, Ultimate Persona of P3 hero Orpheus Telos is the strongest Persona, it is strong against all properties except Almighty. Personas. I think it's only skill in the beginning is Victory Cry, which fully restores your HP and SP. persona-3-fes--orpheus-telos. ". (possible spoilers)". 4 years ago. Information on Orpheus (Female), a new persona in Persona 5 Royal.