4. Even though I confirmed, PayPal had not confirmed the account as a business though I had said yes to it – now it works!Would you mind providing your admin login credentials? This could be an 'echeque' or something alike. The Shopify API lets you do the following with the Transactions resource. I have connected it up to my paypal business account.Payment action is set to CaptureGood afternoon and thank you for the advice –As I am in the UK I cannot use Braintree plugin so I am happy to use the standard Paypal which comes with Woo.The bank account is also confirmed.The website has a SSL certificate though I know it goes to the paypal site to make the payment with which I am happy about.I look forwrad to your responseYou can go through the shopping process successfully and pay with Paypal at the end. I can’t fully test this as this deals with handling payment which we can’t cover as support.

For this you must fill columns: Complete – with value TRUE. You may find that if you use PayPal as your payment gateway you see some, or all, of your orders as pending like this: If that's the case, click into the order details (click the order number) and the 'Order Logs' will explain why: Order Log Details May Vary! In my business account there is nothing. You can instruct the Shopify to complete the Draft Order – thus making the real Order from the Draft Order. Every single movement of money in or out of the account is recorded here. I thought it may of been my account but I can successfully buy items and I have requested money from the same user and it transfers fine.In my business account there is nothing. What you can do with Transactions. Both orders are still marked as pending payment from PayPal. Archived. Pending Orders. Normally, the order will be marked as Pending in the Payment status on the Orders page if the customer makes the order using a manual payment. Related Posts: Though, I can’t promise a solution. I'm creating draft orders using the Shopify API, the API documentation says " the draft order can be paid, set to pending, or paid by credit card; in each case, the draft order is set to completed and an order is … Paypal payment pending for nearly a week... Close. In other words, there are multiple reasons PayPal may mark your order as 'Pending' and we will show the reason in the order page.This page takes you through the process of resolving orders marked as 'pending' by PayPal.The solution is to log into your PayPal account and follow their instructions to verify your account.You may find that if you use PayPal as your payment gateway you see some, or all, of your orders as pending like this:It's important you carefully read the Order logs in the order page (an example screenshot is shown above).If that's the case, click into the order details (click the order number) and the 'Order Logs'  will explain why:As noted, while there are multiple reasons PayPal may mark an order as 'pending'. In the back office the notes next to the product says: “Payment pending: unilateral Order status changed from Pending Payment to On Hold.” If I go into the customers paypal account it just says “info@MYEMAILADDRESS hasn’t accepted yet” with the amount.

I have noticed that some shops have "order protection," which is a something the customer can get for about a dollar (usually a little less) that grantees their package in case of damage, theft, etc. Posted by 2 years ago. Hi, this was my first order (I got 10 payments after the first one and all went through).

2. The customer paid through Paypal and it shows 'A xxx USD payment is pending on PayPal Express Checkout", however, the payment is not showing in Paypal.