Foreigner without a work permitWhen I first arrive in Vietnam, I managed to open a savings account with Vietcombank on a tourist visa, I was only required to fill out a form, present my passport, give the cash deposit, and write the address of my hostel.Today, not many bank companies let foreigners on a tourist visa or aspiring expat open a bank account easily. Here are the things that you need to know and remember before opening a bank account in Vietnam.The rules have changed and have become a lot harder, if you are seeing yourself staying here for at least six months with a job, you may want to consider opening a bank account to avoid all the ATM fees. The information in this document is not exhaustive and the Bank does not hold itself liable for the completeness or accuracy of such information. If you use an internal ATM card, the fee can be as high as $4 per transaction.I’m sorry that I can’t give you a clearer answer. Primary account (VND account) is the account from which purchase transactions, cash withdrawal at ATMs, charges and fees related to the Debit Card are debited, while secondary account is only for cash withdrawal at ATMs.Pursuant to our current practice, we are able to issue a Visa Debit Card for customers who currently maintain a VND account at our bank only. However, these companies hire staffs who speak well English, meaning you will have an easier time talking with their employees.

If I attempt to withdraw 3,000,000VND, this will go through. This bank attracts visitors from Vietnam with its wide range of possibilities. Vietnam is currently in a large growth phase with more and more people hoping to get in on the ground floor of its economic rise. Vietnam’s lowest bill is 200 VND which is sometimes hard to get rid of. Normal bank fees.

One of the first concerns about moving to Vietnam is financial management.

All rights reserved. Having access to this service will let you transfer money to another local bank or account.

Our branches and call centre are really busy right now.

But As an expat do you want to open an account for personal then I would suggest foreign banks such an as HSBC, ANZ or Standercharted, because most of the staff can speak English and you can get the answer what you want. Foreigner with permanent residence in VietnamAnd now if i only have tourist Visa which bank i can open in Vietnam?If you think opening a bank account with HSBC, ANZ, or Citibank would be ideal, well, you are wrong. Send a verification email toHow long does it take to open it ?2. HSBC.