This means, according to the solar calendar, that it is celebrated during July. This means that the upcoming Obon festival will be celebrated on Thursday, August 13, 2020 until Saturday, August 15, 2020 Home; Contact Us; Other Islands – Kauai; Mainland Obon ... Hawaii Okinawa Center Legacy Ballroom. It means unbearable suffering and pain. Obon Spiritual Explorers.
4:30 to 10 p.m. Obon in the News. Certain regions such as Okinawa may observe Obon on a lunar-based calendar, so Obon may fall before or after the normal dates.And although Ancestor festivals are common throughout Asia, Obon has clear parallels to Pchum Ben, the Hungry Ghosts festival in Cambodia which takes place in September or early October.Probably the closest equivalent in the west is Halloween, but the big difference here is that the spirits aren't to be frightened away. The story goes that Mogallana could see into the afterlife, and saved his deceased mother from going to hell by giving offerings to Buddhist monks. If you visit their graves during the Obon festival, you will be able to have a reunion with your relatives including your cousins, aunts, uncles, and even distant relatives.
This is one of the most important activities for the Obon festival. Obon season is characterized by festivals, music and dance; however, many businesses across Okinawa are closed for three or four days – so it is best to be prepared. The spirits are then guided home, sometimes with paper lanterns to light their way.It would be unusual for a Buddhist festival not to have a monk-based legend and Obon doesn't disappoint. In this case, the festival is based on a legend about a Buddhist monk called Mogallana. Some records say that the story of this ritual originated in India.
According to Japanese Tradition, during the Obon festival, the spirits of deceased people return to our world in order to visit their loved ones.Another good thing you can do for your celebration of this day is to participate in the floating lanterns activity. It then spread to China and to other parts of South Asia. Image via Deposit Photos How long until Obon? There is no better time than the Obon festival to go to your ancestors’ graves and remember all the time you spent with them.The following are the main reasons why you should participate in the celebration of the Obon festival:You can also take your celebration of this day on social media. They also bring food as offerings to temples and house altars. Fortunately, Buddha told him to give offerings for the Buddhist monks who would be returning from a summer treat. This is also a good way to encourage other people to participate in the celebration.The Obon Week during mid-August is one of the three major holidays in Japan – along with Golden Week and New Year. Okinawa’s late summer Lunar Obon celebration. The traditional way of celebrating this day is by hanging lanterns in the front of houses to guide the spirits of ancestors. However, the formerly used calendar that marks the celebration happens to coincide the date with August.
The Obon festival is always celebrated from August 13 to 15 every year. Obon dances, called bon odori, are also performed. Upon doing that, the spirit of his mother became free.The Obon is always observed from the 13th to 15th day of the 7th month of the year. During these days of celebration, various domestic and international travel activities are done.The Obon festival is a Japanese holiday held every year. Lanterns are lit and put onto the bodies of water so as to guide spirits back to where they belong. Floating lanterns are floated on bodies of water like a river, ocean, or sea. The Obon week in mid-August is one of Japan’s three major holiday seasons making it one of the busiest times of the year for traveling. It is also a time when tickets for flights and trains are more expensive.Sign up to receive a weekly email update on forthcoming public holidays around the world in your inbox every Sunday.Office Holidays provides calendars with dates and information on public holidays and bank holidays in key countries around the world.The Obon festival is one of Japan’s largest and most significant religious events. They also do this so that their relatives can return to their ancestral homes and visit the graves of their deceased ancestors.The Obon festival is always celebrated from August 13 to 15 every year. You can also prepare food offerings for your ancestors and even foods that you can share with your relatives whom you would be seeing during your visitation.The following are the best things to do to make your celebration of the Obon festival as best as it can be: He found out that his mother had descended to the Real of Hungry Ghosts. This is a Buddhist custom honouring the spirits of one’s ancestors, which is why it is also known as the festival of the dead or the festival of souls.