Middle school students will find it humorous and interesting to learn about … Preparation can help kids feel more confident and comfortable.After they call out their noun, they have three seconds to toss the ball to a classmate.Groups trade and check each others.The group with the most correct wins. Encourage your students to challenge each other and have fun while consolidating their knowledge of nouns. A noun functions as a subject or object of a verb and can be modified by an adjective. (A noun is a person, place or thing.)

You may want to give some examples or ask students to give examples.

Throw softly and underhanded. Farm Craft Toddler Project: Fun With Coloring and PastingThis series will include several parts of speech activities and games for each of the following parts of speech: nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Go over rules of the game.

I have tried letting my kids pick their own groups, but that just does not work for me.For example, we might do animals, cities, or certain letters. You will have your own, but I really just have two. Noun activities for 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade and 5th grade
Possessive Noun Practice Exercises The Best Possessive Noun Practice For Middle School Students Is To Have Them Complete Possessive Noun Activities Either Individually Or As Part Of A Group Individual Assignments When Giving Individual Assignments It S A Good Idea To Keep Specific Results Private Quizzes And Written Activities Are Ideal In a second pile, place flashcards with the words “person,” “place,” “thing,” or “idea” on them. Types and Examples of Nouns. Be creative.I usually start the game.
Collective Noun Trivia.

The student who gets the answer correct first advances to the next student’s desk, and the other student sits down. Then have them cross out all of the nouns in the story, and write the story over leaving out all of the nouns.

For example, if you are studying World War II in history, you could assign the names of proper nouns that pertain to the war (Hiroshima, Pearl Harbor, etc.) Nouns can be people as in the dancers, or a name: John. You can use this noun game to see whether students are struggling with the concept of the three types of nouns. I usually give pencils or little pads of paper. It’s up to you whether to award a prize.I always do, because if I don’t, I’m afraid my students might stage a revolt! Use these activities to inject some fun into your everyday grammar lessons!How to Assess the Special Developmental Needs of a Child - Using the Battelle Developmental InventoryHave students break into groups, and have them make a four-column chart with the titles “Person,” “Place,” “Thing,” or “Idea.” Tell them that they will have twenty seconds to fill out each column with as many nouns as they can think of. If they take longer or drop the ball, they must sit down.Depending on the amount of time we have, we check ourselves in one of the following ways.I assign my students to their groups.

Or you might want to require your kids to use nouns you would find in a school. This packet has 4 literacy center activities for students to focus on singular and plural nouns.

This fast-paced noun activity should take less than two minutes. Have students write short summaries of their favorite books, movies, or TV shows. The recipient of the ball has three seconds to call out a noun.

You will have your own, but I really just have two.This can be a great cross-curricular activity. Encourage students to share their lists with the class, and reward the longest fully-correct list with a small prize or a bit of congratulatory praise.Write the letters A through Z on flashcards, and put them in one pile. In this common and proper nouns worksheet, students have to brainstorm types of proper nouns. Go over nouns before you begin play. I usually give all my students a few minutes before the game begins to come up with a list of nouns they can use. Play a version of “Around the World” by instructing two students to stand up, read them a letter from one pile and a type of noun from the other pile, and seeing which student can think of the right type of noun that begins with the appropriate letter first.

Speak quietly, and only about the game. A noun is a word used to refer to people, animals, objects, substances, states, events, ideas and feelings. Students will love playing our Name That Noun Grammar Game.

It has simple activities, a game, and task/scoot cards. #1 Noun. Name That Noun Grammar Game. Toss the Noun. You can use them for a whole group, small group, or place them in centers for individual or pair work.

I simply call out a noun and toss it to a student.

Answers should vary among…