Saturday, June 9. As the situation with COVID-19 has evolved, the 2020 STD Prevention Conference Planning Committee has decided the 2020 STD Prevention Conference will no longer take place in-person but will be moved to a virtual platform.Since we are not able to safely convene large groups for the foreseeable future as a result of the pandemic, we are taking these necessary … We will also learn a few tips to improve our public speaking.
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center. Technological advancements, internet-based housing service providers, shifting demographics, climate change, and legislative developments will gravely impact fair housing choice. COVID-19 Update. May 6 – 9, 2020. Take this opportunity to represent the important work you are doing in a face-to-face meeting with House and Senate staff. Email September 1, 2020 to participate in this awesome opportunity!
Whether it has been a state legislature proposing to regulate the verification of reasonable accommodations requests or state-level preemption of local inclusionary zoning ordinances, fair housing advocates have played an increasingly active role in state and local legislation affecting housing choice. With race, place, and opportunity so intertwined, it comes as no surprise that there are huge gaps in educational achievement, wealth, employment, and health along racial and ethnic lines. In the Obama administration, HUD took a series of long-overdue steps to begin to tackle segregation, including issuing an Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulation in 2015. ... Lisa Rice, President and CEO of the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA), will deliver this year’s keynote address and challenge participants to look at fair housing and the … The conference will take place over four weeks, with an exciting three-day live kickoff event starting July 20. Sponsors that register for a 2020 Veterans Conference sponsorship can receive a 2021 Veterans Conference sponsorship discount: 10% discount for Gold Sponsor Level; 5% discount for Silver Sponsor Level; View Prospectus. Then we’ll all head to the Hill together for the afternoon. Panelists will discuss their experiences and the strategies they employed to fight off anti-fair housing legislation or to strengthen state fair housing protections and housing choice.9:00 AM – 10:00 AM NFHA Annual Meeting and Board ElectionYou may also register online by going to lunch will be provided to those making Capitol Hill visits. This plenary session brings together leaders from the fields of education, transportation, asset building, and health to discuss where we are and to offer ideas for how we work collaboratively to ensure every neighborhood provides access to opportunity.5:30 PM – 5:40 PM Performance: Clint Smith12:45 PM – 1:45 PM Public Policy BriefingThe National Fair Housing Alliance is committed to providing the greatest accessibility within its means in all its projects, programs, meetings, and conferences.Well before housing discrimination was outlawed nationally, several states and cities created and maintained fair housing laws that helped form the basis of support for the Fair Housing Act which we enjoy today. )50 years after the passage of the Fair Housing Act, many Americans are still not aware of their fair housing rights under federal or local law, and fair housing is often thought of as a movement that only works to fight race-based discrimination. This panel features four authors of the book, who will address the key issues of barriers to access to credit, the legacy and promise of disparate impact, the importance of the Fair Housing Act to persons in protected classes other than race, and the centrality of housing to social justice and opportunity.Our annual conference brings together thought leaders and experts on civil and human rights, housing, lending, insurance, education, transportation, health, environmental justice, and community development to examine achievements made under the Fair Housing Act.Each of us has implicit biases, and our society includes structures that perpetuate racial inequities.