He led successful market transformations and contributed to the fastest-growing parts of the Microsoft business.Brad holds a Bachelor of Science degree in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M University and an MBA from Harvard Business School.As NetApp’s Chief Transformation Officer, Biren Fondekar is responsible for spearheading the ongoing transformation of NetApp’s traditional operations by using digital processes. He is also currently leading several ongoing growth and business simplification initiatives that will continue to help NetApp win new customers and boost its industry leadership; ultimately enabling NetApp to continue to be a thriving company capable of delivering innovative products.Earlier in his career, Anthony served as president and CEO for HotSchedules, a vertical cloud company building applications for the restaurant, retail and hospitality industries.

NetApp’s latestacquisition was Cognigo.When the visionof a founder is limited they are expected to step down. NetApp is a storage and data management company located in Sunnyvale, California. NetApp was founded in 1992 by David Hitz, James Lau, and Michael Malcolm as Network Appliance, Inc. At the time, its major competitor was Auspex Systems. NetApp's CEO is George Kurian; How much revenue does NetApp generate? Read more. With more than 25 years of senior leadership experience, he will help NetApp transform quickly to capture new growth opportunities in enterprise storage systems and cloud data services.Under his leadership, NetApp’s legal team has been recognized for many achievements, including the Best Legal Department of 2014 (“Best Legal Departments 2014,” Corporate Counsel, June 1, 2014), one of the most innovative departments (“The 2013 IC-10: Inside the Legal Profession’s Top Innovators,” Inside Counsel Magazine, August 30, 2013), and as a top GC (“America’s 50 Outstanding General Counsel,” The National Law Journal, March 31, 2014).George joined the company in 2011, bringing his passion and relentless focus on execution to his leadership roles at NetApp. In addition, Biren oversees ongoing productivity improvements throughout the company, which have already resulted in significant savings in operating cost and a positive response from customers. He is responsible for advancing the company’s global marketing strategy and strengthening market recognition to accelerate growth.

George joined the company in 2011, bringing his passion and relentless focus on execution to his leadership roles at NetApp. Data is the lifeblood of your organization. The following yearswitnessed the acquisition of Topio, Onaro, Bycast, Akkori, Engenioand many more.After graduatingfrom Princeton University, David started working at MIPSTechnologies.

George Kurian is chief executive officer at NetApp and a member of the Board of Directors. The company faced legal issues and was bound to jurisdiction from the Syrian authorities.