Born in a rough neighborhood to strict, but loving parents. dghda estevez zimmerfield cast neil brown jr richard schiff. Reblog. He was born October 12, 1972 to the late Neil Stephens Brown Sr. and the late Letsy Clayton Brown. 127k Followers, 2,262 Following, 369 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Neil Brown Jr. (@neilbrownjr)
Follow. Photo from Neil Brown Jr.’s Instagram x. moutonhexapode .
3,052 Likes, 54 Comments - Neil Brown Jr. (@neilbrownjr) on Instagram: “There are people that come and go in your life and some come at exactly the right moment, and if…” Unfollow. Neil S. Brown Jr., 47, passed away Friday, June 5, 2020. Follow.
Unfollow. Neil Brown Jr., Actor: SEAL Team. Neil Brown Jr. was introduced to the arts at a young age while taking up karate, which led to an appearance in the martial arts television series WMAC Master as a teenager.This love for acting brought him to Los Angeles, where he has appeared in the series The Walking Dead, Suits, and Weeds. ghoulscool .
81 notes.
In 2015, Brown starred as DJ Yella in Universal's Oscar-nominated film Straight Outta Compton.