Our Partners include: Graan SA Radio, BKT, Omnia Boereplanne Kompetisie, GL Events South Africa, Agritechnica, Expoagro, TicketPro and Harambee Hotel.The growing number of exhibitors at the NAMPO Cape Agricultural Trade Show can be attributed to a number of factors. Calendar GoogleCal. Are you an exhibitor at the NAMPO Cape Agriculture Expo? Farmers, corporates, organised agriculture and government – the Park provides the platform for you to connect with each other. Read More Boereplanne was vanjaar vir die eerste keer by NAMPO Kaap / Cape aangebied en van al die kategoriewenners het mnr.
Landbouflits: Nampo, Nampo Kaap tot 2021 uitgestel 31 Julie 2020 05:01 Twee van die grootste gebeurtenisse op die landboukalender, Nampo-oesdag en Nampo Kaap, moes vanjaar noodgedwonge uitgestel word vanweë die Covid-19-pandemie en die gevolglike beperking op massabyeenkomste. september 9 (Wednesday) - 11 (Friday) Learn More. See how these Jersey cows provide milk to a nation.Bredasdorp Park hosts farming and other events throughout the year. And we work with partners and service providers to offer a professional and well-run venue.This venue is for the Overberg community and agriculture sector, and therefore run by the Overberg community.Keep up to date on all the news and events taking place at Bredasdorp Park. Time. Die bywoning van die tweede Nampo Kaap het organiseerders se verwagtinge oortref met altesaam 20 150 besoekers teenoor 16 245 besoekers verlede jaar. Here producers learn about the latest agricultural technology, livestock farming, enjoy demonstrations and much more.september 9 (Wednesday) - 11 (Friday)Other events that take place throughout the year at Bredasdorp Park include:“Meer as twee dekades terug het ons ons eerste landbou saamtrek hier in Bredasdorp gehou, onderleiding van die oorlede Niel Giliomee. Nampo Kaap; Select Page. André Kirsten van Darling se slim plan om rooikatte van sy skaapkudde weg te hou, die kollig gesteel! Ons bring die landboubedryf bymekaar, om saam vorentoe te boer.”november 5 (Thursday) - 7 (Saturday)Our local pony riding school in the Overberg, provides basic horse riding lessons at Bredasdorp Park. We are proud partners of Grain SA & NAMPO. This event serves as a gathering place for partners in agriculture. The management of NAMPO Kaap / Cape, Bredasdorp Park NPC, after discussions with partners Grain SA, the authorities and stakeholders decided to cancel NAMPO Cape 2020.
Foremost is the positive sales reaction experienced at the Show. Lewendehawe-ekspo’s en -skoue biosekuriteit protokol; NAMPO Cape 2019 exceeds expectations;
09sepallday 11 Nampo Kaap 2020.
Bredasdorp Park brings people in agriculture together. Another is the unique demonstration programme that allows interactive demonstrations on stands in addition to the static exhibits. Search for: Recent Posts. All agricultural input suppliers include; agricultural machinery, irrigation, chemicals, transport, fertiliser and seed, extension services, commercial sectors, utilities, feed manufacturers, financial institutions and livestock breeders.Die bywoning van die tweede Nampo Kaap het organiseerders se verwagtinge oortref met altesaam 20 150 besoekers teenoor 16 245 besoekers verlede jaar.Boereplanne was vanjaar vir die eerste keer by NAMPO Kaap / Cape aangebied en van al die kategoriewenners het mnr. The final decision regarding the NAMPO Cape Agricultural Show would have initially been announced at the end of July with the hope of a better indication of the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequences for mass events. Feel free to contact us if you have any enquiries. This innovative club introduces children to horses – encouraging both the children and the horses to simply have fun.The Overberg’s Agricultural Meeting PlaceDie aanbieders en organiseerders van ses van Suid-Afrika se grootste lewendehawegeleenthede, het hulself gesamentlik verbind tot ’n wetenskaplikgebaseerde biosekuriteitsprotokol vir die aanbied van die onderskeie geleenthede in 2020, asook in die toekomsWe are proud partners of Grain SA & NAMPO.Visit the club, and become a dairy farmer for a day. Bredasdorp Park is in the heart of the Overberg in South Africa and offers exhibition space, function venues, training facilities and much more.Using Bredasdorp Park’s facilities and services, from 9 to 11 September 2020, we showcase our platform as South Africa’s agricultural market place, networking space and information provider. The home of NAMPO Cape In September 2020, Bredasdorp Park will once again host one of the biggest agricultural trade shows in South Africa: NAMPO Cape. september, 2020. Nou, 25 jaar later, bly Bredasdorp Park steeds die tuiste vir landbou-uitstallings in die Wes Kaap.