Info about emoji moyai.
Its very cursed .
Show Less. Moyai is a meme based on the Moyai Emoji, particularly The Apple Version, which is based on the Moai Statues on Easter Island. The touristic point is used as inspiration for its alternative meaning - a type of human rock carving from Easter Island. However, this particular representation of the statues is based on the Moyai Statue in Tokyo, Japan, which was inspired by the Easter Island statues. In October 2010, Moyai emoji … Here you'll find more info about the emoji . To upload the Moyai_bean emoji to your Discord server follow these simple steps. About 3 months ago . He is a meme on surreal meme servers where the:moyai: emoji is said without context. DMCA Report Free Download 0 downloads. Upload Download Add to wardrobe 4px arm (Classic) Background Moyai emoji / stone bruh Jonymedes. The main group that the emoji moyai belongs to is Travel & Places, a group that it shares with another 124 similar emojis.A lot of emojis does also exist in different variations, for example different skin colors, the emoji moyai does however not have any known variations. Moyai emoji / stone bruh Jonymedes. Click this button and select the Moyai_bean emoji that you just downloaded from this website. Emoji Dictionary: Moai Emoji Emoji ️ Noun: Moyai sculpture mask Face Stonehenge Easter Island Rock smile Waiting DOG alugad barg Donald Trump Stone MOAI ; EASTER ISLAND St Head leerpy HYPE I.M. 4913 30 131. 4 + Follow - Unfollow Posted on: Apr 23, 2020 . The image of a Moyai is the emoji representing a statue located near Shibuya Station in Tokyo, Japan. moment Oo "Oo" Angelo Yo Angelo bruh: Verb: standing represents to cover To act to look Stern Eternal TO.
Hudson likes this hue. PNG (72dpi) License:Non-commercial Use. In order to figure out the meaning of this emoji the best starting point is to start looking at it's given name, which is Here you'll find more info about the emoji . Moyai is a minor character who appears in some of Timotainment's videos (Moyai [1] and The Ultimate Everybody Is Here [2]). The Moyai Emoji , also known as Moai, is an emoji that looks similar to the head statues found on Easter Island, Chile. 2020-01-18 10:00:18.
Font Emojis are supported on all operating systems. 0 likes. Emojione Bw 1f5ff - Moyai Emojis. Origin. The Moyai_bean emoji should now be available for use in your server! 12127 . Attribution is required when using outside of discord or is a platform for sharing & exploring thousands of user submitted emoji for use on Discord and more.Login to fave emoji, submit your own and much more!This page contains flashing images that may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy.Join our Discord server to stay up to date, find global emote servers, play Pokecord and more!Add your server to our discord server list at and gain new members 961 x 961. Show More. Navigate to your server settings and proceed to click the "emoji" tab, you will notice a purple button that says "upload emoji".