You openly, and publicly, described your immoral methods of having found an address to a place that has a fucking soda that few other similar stores have. RUMOR. Mountain Dew (stylized as Mtn Dew) is a carbonated soft drink brand produced and owned by PepsiCo. So recently I have been trying to get every single mountain dew for my collection. Southern Shock is a Mountain Dew flavor exclusively available at Bojangles restaurants as a fountain drink.

Also over the phone spending hours and hours trying to find even 1 location I was kind to every person that picked up that phone so you can fuck off with that "harassing several employees" shit. A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a clan, political, commercial, religious, and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose, with the goal of persuading members of the public or a more defined target group. I'm not gonna be an asshole and hide the location from everyone but I'm not gonna post it on here in case the 7/11 gets bombarded with calls or even worse.After finding out that Solar Flare is at certain locations I decided to PM a few sources and although one individual refused to disclose the location I ended up looking at some of his old posts and comments eventually tracking down a very shady 7/11 that may still carry it. Yeah I called him the epitome of scum because it's a douchey thing to try and hide that shit. After planning the trip for a while I have finally hit a few road blocks.Going further, you specifically described harassing several different 7-Eleven employees for not wanting to answer a dickhead that's demanding something that they don't have to give you. It’s been replaced with Goji Citrus. Close • Posted by 3 minutes ago. You forgot the part where he will disclose my almost immediate location to almost anyone who asksYou sent Tyler several harassing messages and called him names for simply choosing to not disclose his almost-immediate location to someone that he didn't know. I don’t think it’s worth traveling to find out, but if you happen to be in the area you might as well check. They just refused to tell me if they had it and they just remained completely silent as I repeated the question over and over. Dew The Dew Trip 2020. He didnt tell me so I found it. Once I asked they just said nothing. There was one 711 i went to who had Solar Flare for quite a while after it was gone but they quit sellling it too Trust me when I say this I dont give a damn bout you or Tyler.