Mosul weather today.

Expect clear skies in Mosul, Iraq with a maximum temperature of 43°C, very high levels of heat & humidity, maximum UV of 9 (Very High) and 14 hours of bright sunshine. Up to 90 days of daily highs, lows, and precipitation chances.

Know what's coming with AccuWeather's extended daily forecasts for Mosul, Nineveh, Iraq. Find the most current and reliable 7 day weather forecasts, storm alerts, reports and information for [city] with The Weather Network.

There are 0 mm of rainfall expected and a light breeze of 12 kph from the north-east.Last updated at 04:00 on Thursday 30th July 2020 GMTWe promise not to share your detailsGet your weekly fix of holiday inspiration from leading travel writers© 2005-2020 Weather2Travel.comBelow is the Mosul weather forecast for Monday 3rd August 2020.
Below is the Mosul weather forecast for Saturday 18th July 2020. There are 0 mm of rainfall expected and a gentle breeze of 17 kph from the west.Below are the detailed weather forecasts for Mosul for the next 5 days. Al Basrah Mosul Current Time in Baghdad, Iraq . Mosul weather for Saturday 18th July 2020.

Add Iraq to my favorites! Mosul - Weather warnings issued 14-day forecast. Today’s and tonight’s Mosul weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and There are 0 mm of rainfall expected and a light breeze of 10 kph from the south.Below is the Mosul weather forecast for Thursday 30th July 2020. What you need to knowLarge hail, strong winds possible with Prairie severe weather riskFirst of three Quebec tornadoes rated EF-0, significant damage producedMost polar bears could be extinct by 2100 as the Arctic warmsNew study finds bird droppings carry risk of antibiotic resistant bacteriaEarthquake jolts Los Angeles, waking residents up from sleepLimited storm risk in Ontario precedes gorgeous start to the long weekendMaritimes face severe thunderstorms risk amid sweltering heatAfter a flawless launch, NASA's Perseverance rover is off on its journey to MarsWasaga Beach sets up ‘pods’ to help with crowd control, social distancingTropical Storm Isaias targets Caribbean lands with flooding rains, strong windsKeep mosquitoes away with this one weird trick

Weather warnings issued.

Expect clear skies in Mosul, Iraq with a maximum temperature of 46°C, extreme levels of heat & humidity, maximum UV of 11+ (Extreme) and 14 hours of bright sunshine. Get the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) updates for Iraq with current travel advice, statistics and online resources.. Current weather conditions for Mosul are not available at this time. Forecast - Mosul.

Get your 3-Day weather forecast for Mosul, Nineveh, Iraq. Expect clear skies in Mosul, Iraq with a maximum temperature of 43°C, very high levels of heat & humidity, maximum UV of 10 (Very High) and 13 hours of bright sunshine. Expect clear skies in Mosul, Iraq with a maximum temperature of 44°C, very high levels of heat & humidity, maximum UV of 10 (Very High) and 14 hours of bright sunshine.

There are 0 mm of rainfall expected and a light breeze of 11 kph from the south-west.Below is the Mosul weather forecast for Saturday 1st August 2020. Last updated today at 18:21.

Expect clear skies in Mosul, Iraq with a maximum temperature of 42°C, very high levels of heat & humidity, maximum UV of 9 (Very High) and 14 hours of bright sunshine.

Day by day forecast. Does using your car's A/C use more gas?

Hourly forecast and temperature in Mosul andIraq, In addition to weather conditions during prayer times in both Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Favorite! Below is the Mosul weather forecast for Sunday 2nd August 2020. There are 0 mm of rainfall expected and a gentle breeze of 14 kph from the south-west.Get your weekly fix of holiday inspiration from some of the world's best travel writers plus save on your next trip with the latest exclusive offersBelow is the Mosul weather forecast for Friday 31st July 2020.