calves) have smaller muscle masses and should be injected with needles of appropriate length to prevent injury to nerves and other tissues. There is a clear risk, because of the destruction of brain tissue, including blood vessels, with this method, that in the case of BSE infectious brain tissue might be dispersed into the blood stream, and especially to the lungs.Slaughterhouses, facing the decision of choosing a new stunning system, have to take account of the meat quality requested by the end user.Broken vertebrae can occur in pigs stunned with head-to-back electrode positioning if the voltage and the current are too high. Therefore, caution is needed to interpret stress-physiological parameters such as cortisol, glucose and lactate when analyzing fish exposed to rapid drop in temperature.Hemoglobin content of meat is strongly influenced by conditions immediately prior to and during exsanguination at slaughter. There are different techniques used to restrain and cast (throw) these large ruminants. Restraining of large animals 1. Owing to the highly technical nature of recording the electrical activity in the brains and hearts of fish, conditions to achieve an effective stun in fish without causing avoidable stress and discomfort until death occurs need to be established in a laboratory.Successful meat production in future has to be based on transparency of the food chain, displaying the safety of the product and the health and welfare of the animals which provide the meat.The force experienced during electrical stunning probably depends on the posture or restraining method of the slaughter animals.

The effect of a nonpenetrative percussive technique depends on the size of impulse delivered. These consist of a steel rod with a collar and piston (bolt) at one end contained in a chamber. The restrained legs carry the body weight of the birds.  (ii)If a cow tends to kick, consider using a rope.

The ring is used as a handle. It is known that changes in cortisol, glucose, and lactate levels in the blood of fish normally occur within a time frame of minutes. The wings of killed instead of stunned birds hang low resulting in stagnation of blood in the wing veins. Therefore, the use of EEG recordings, including evoked responses on the EEG by administering nociceptive stimuli to the fish, are necessary for an unequivocal assessment of the level of brain function in fish to determine whether or not the fish are effectively stunned.ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V.Stunning methods induce transient loss of consciousness and sensibility, and they rely solely on slaughter to cause death.Regarding exposing a fish's to rapid temperature drop, it is important to note that fish's homeostasis might be fine-tuned to a particular temperature.

The ‘mushroom’ is a metal convex disk approximately 4 cm in diameter and the impact is applied to the frontal region of the head.For field observations (i.e., during slaughter on a commercial farm or in a harvest facility), registration of EEGs and ECGs might not be feasible. The reason for this is that its electrode placement ensures a maximal tetanic effect over the whole musculature of the loin. So, it is  necessary to announce the presence when  approaching the cow and gentle touch is suggested. Restraining of cattles and buffaloes    (iii) Special care is required for handling the breeding bulls. Do not permit workers to talk loudly. Soft rope or leather strap can be used for this purpose.

The restrained legs carry the body weight of the birds.

Electrical water bath stunning of broilers has the most detrimental effect with respect to muscle hemorrhaging. Specifically, we investigated the use of thermocouples, thermistors and infrared radiation sensors. To understand the possibilities of analyzing the stress response in fish exposed to live chilling on ice or in ice water slurry, some information on the time course of physiological stress response is presented.

Spontaneous behavior (e.g., righting response and escape behavior), responses to stimuli, and physical reflexes (vestibulo-ocular reflex) can be used as preliminary behavioral observations to evaluate loss of consciousness and sensibility in fish. Animals which have not been slaughtered within 12€hours of their arrival should be fed, and should subsequently be given moderate amounts of food at appropriate intervals. Tighten chin rope by pull of lead rope with left hand. The finger-like structure can be separated and inserted into the two nostrils of a bull and then closed tight. A general principle of handling of farm animals is to avoid getting animals excited and for the safety of the animal holder.It is not recommended method to restrain goat and sheep by pulling its head, horn or hide which excite and animal starts to resist. There are various methods of casting but among them Reuff’s method is mostly used for throwing animals on ground.There are two convenient methods to handle chickens in one hand for examination: