After the war, Nobu finds her.

For the next couple of weeks she attends multiple parties which the chairman attend all the while seemingly coming closer to achieving her goal. She retired at the age of twenty-nine and was the heir of her okiya when she was just an apprentice. The okiya is run by a woman called Mother, and the other woman in charge is called Granny.
At one of the parties, Sayuri runs into Nobu. She finally asks Mameha what her plan is. She is to go to a teahouse. She fears he will soon become her danna and she doesn’t want that.A Japanese business woman, Mineko was the most famous and notable geisha of her time in Japan. She kicks Hatsumomo and Pumpkin out of the room, but during the move, Hatsumomo finds Sayuri’s journal. Chiyo is taught how to dress, how to walk, and how to modulate her voice. But, Mameha is still alive. Along with her older sister, Satsu, she is sent to the geisha (Japanese for artisan) district called Gion. [PDF] [EPUB] Memoirs of a Geisha Download. They must grow their own vegetables, ration food and even wear the same underwear for many days. Split from the only family she has left Chiyo is sent to the Nitta Okiya while her sister is transported else where and becomes less of a role. Chiyo was the second daughter of a fisherman’s. Her father was very old and her mother was his second wife. It is a belt that is made of rope and tied in the back. Together Pumpkin and Chiyo struggle through the daily life of being treated as nothing more than slaves to the resident geisha, Hatsumomo. At first, Chiyo starts out as a maid, but she attends geisha school. Sayuri is so enamored with the Chairman that she tries to pour tea from an empty pot. On one particular occasion Chiyo feeling so depressed collapses on a bridge in tears over her life's woes. However, six years later, she learns how to become the geisha Sayuri with the support of the successful Mameha, while fighting against the evil and jealousy of the wicked Hatsumomo. The train arrives in Kyoto and they are taken to the neighborhood of Gion in Kyoto. After everyone leaves, the Baron tells Sayuri he has a gift for her. Sayuri desperately attempts to attain the love of the Chairman and the climax of the story is whether or not she does meet her goal.In 1929 an impoverished nine-year-old named Chiyo from a fishing village is sold to a geisha house in Kyoto's Gion district and subjected to cruel treatment from the owners and the head geisha Hatsumomo. Instead, they are put on a train where the see the old woman.Published in 1997, Memoirs of a Geisha is the story of a nine-year-old girl who grows up to be the most famous geisha in her time. Hatsumomo has an instant dislike towards Chiyo and calls her garbage.After the Minister leaves, Nobu tells Sayuri that the Minister wants to be her danna. A Japanese business woman, Mineko was the most famous and notable geisha of her time in Japan. She takes the brooch to Mother, who makes Hatsumomo pay back the money that Sayuri was forced to pay.