Customer service very helpful during your process and very helpful in such complex stuff you may see. Discover everything you can build on Shopify’s platformLearn about Shopify’s suite of APIsHow we make Shopify’s platform safe and secure for everyoneMake money by selling apps to Shopify merchantsHow Shopify is building for the future with GraphQLCreate new features for the Shopify admin experienceAdd Shopify buying experiences to any platformCustomize the look and feel of online storesSurface your app features wherever merchants need themAdd features to Shopify’s point-of-sale appsConnect Shopify merchants with any marketing channelAutomate merchant tasks with Shopify’s virtual employeeCreate complex workflows for Shopify Plus merchantsBuild on Shopify’s customer-service chat platformCustomize Shopify’s checkout with your own payment flowLearn how to build, sell and maintain Shopify appsLearn how to build and customize Shopify themesAccelerate Shopify app developmentAccelerate Shopify theme developmentQuickly and securely connect with Shopify APIsAdd Shopify buying experiences to any platformBuild apps using Shopify’s open-source design systemDiscover everything you can build on Shopify’s platformLearn about Shopify’s suite of APIsHow we make Shopify’s platform safe and secure for everyoneMake money by selling apps to Shopify merchantsHow Shopify is building for the future with GraphQLCreate new features for the Shopify admin experienceAdd Shopify buying experiences to any platformCustomize the look and feel of online storesSurface your app features wherever merchants need themAdd features to Shopify’s point-of-sale appsConnect Shopify merchants with any marketing channelAutomate merchant tasks with Shopify’s virtual employeeCreate complex workflows for Shopify Plus merchantsBuild on Shopify’s customer-service chat platformCustomize Shopify’s checkout with your own payment flowLearn how to build, sell and maintain Shopify appsLearn how to build and customize Shopify themesAccelerate Shopify app developmentAccelerate Shopify theme developmentQuickly and securely connect with Shopify APIsAdd Shopify buying experiences to any platformBuild apps using Shopify’s open-source design systemYou should edit the file according to its specified After you generate the file, make sure you edit it according to the specified From your Shopify admin, go to Find the theme you want to edit, and then click Find the theme you want to edit, and then click Find the theme you want to edit, and then click From the file directory in the sidebar, open the When you've finished editing, click The grouping of the settings in There are two categories of theme setting:The structure of the settings definitions in Input settings are used by the merchant to configure the theme settings for their store. However his theme very simple. All themes have a theme style applied by default. ... this unique theme is for you! We tried to set up an item with variants but only having one quantity, only to find out that the theme doesn't support it. Thanks. We recently tried to change some things and have only encountered road blocks and little help from support. If you apply a theme style to your theme, then your current settings, such as colors and typography, will change. The merchant accesses the settings from the theme editor sidebar.When defining input settings in the Merchants can use a setting of type Images uploaded through the theme editor are placed in an asset library and can then be re-used in other places and even other themes.Options for the setting of type The values of checkboxes are always forced to be The range input setting lets you add a slider that selects from a range of values. Learn how to roll back to previous versions of .liquid template files if you've made a mistake in your Shopify theme. If you already have 20 themes, then you can remove themes to make room for more. You must set minimum and maximum values for the slider, and optionally a unit of measure such as pixels, seconds, or percentage. Showcase multiple product or brand images on your home page.Display live search results and quick links for products and store pages.Promote your products by sharing your customers' comments and quotes.Promote your latest sale, promotion, or discount at the top of your store's home page.Ideal for stores with a small number of products.Tell your story by featuring a YouTube or Vimeo video.Showcase recommended products on product pages to increase discoverability.Allow customers to filter products by type, and sort by best sellers and price on the collection page.If all you like is a basic theme that does not have much in the way of flexibility, then this theme is good for you. Very easy to setup, full with everything basic you will need to build your store. Customer service very helpful during your process and very helpful in such complex stuff you may see. This theme is officially supported by Shopify Loaded with features designed to give you complete flexibility, you can customize your store with additional layout options, product views, collection views, navigation styles, and typography choices. Its default features include a full-width slideshow, a textual image, and a video on the homepage.
If you want to remove a theme but still be able to access it in the future, then you can download it instead.