The two became close friends and eventually cofounded Sony Corporation. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Science Quotes by Masaru Ibuka (1 quote) The key to success for Sony, and to everything in business, science and technology for that matter, is never to follow the others. Complete list of quotes and quotations by Masaru Ibuka.

Upon graduating from Waseda University's School of Science and Engineering in 1933, he joined Photo-Chemical Laboratory, a company whose main business was the recording and processing of motion picture film. In the middle of the desolation of post-war Japan, he set out a grand aim in the founding prospectus of the company, and then made unending efforts to create a company that could realize this fine goal. These cookies do not store any personal information.Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. There he met Masaru Ibuka, an electronics engineer 13 years his senior. (citato in Focus, n. 108, p. 204) On November 25, 1994, three months after being honored by IEEE and almost exactly a year after his stroke,Morita decided it was time to step down as chair of Sony, still debilitated from his brain hemorrhage.

Research bear a true fruit, the research must start from needs.. Masaru Ibuka in: Nick Lyons (1976), The Sony vision.

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In 1958, Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo became known as Sony Corporation.

Sourced quotations by the Japanese Businessman Masaru Ibuka (1908 — 1997). Mr. Ibuka was 89 years old. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website.Quotes have been around for a long time and they always have been a simple but yet powerful way of expressing our feelings or changing our mood. Mr. Ibuka passed away on Friday, December 19, 1997, at 03:38 a.m. at his home in Tokyo.

Morita and his wife, Yoshiko, have two sons and a daughter.

A year later, the company developed and marketed the first tape recorder in Japan.Mr. A computer isn’t creative on its own because it is programmed to behave in a predictable way. He saw his ideas come to fruition one after one, clearly standing apart from the great number of people who have ideas but never realize them. — Masaru Ibuka We can't take pleasure in a work of art, not in good conscience, without accepting the implicit intention of the artist to please us. I have learned many things from him and today, I feel a great loss.Honorary Chairman, Board of Directors, Early Development Association [current]"To us, the passing of Masaru Ibuka means that we have lost that which supports our spirits and hearts But we will continue our efforts to ensure that the philosophy that Masaru Ibuka left with us always remains alive at the core of Sony. Masaru Ibuka (井深 大 Ibuka Masaru; 11 April 1908 – 19 December 1997) was a Japanese electronics industrialist and co-founder of Sony..

Best Masaru Ibuka Quotes worth reading. Although we know this is possible in life, it is only the rare man who can achieve this greatness.

2 quotes from Masaru Ibuka: 'Creativity comes from looking for the unexpected and stepping outside your own experience.' Influenced as a boy by his mother's love of classical music (his family was one of the first to own an RCA Victrola in Japan), Morita developed a keen interest in electronics and sound reproduction.

Masaru Ibuka (1908 – 1997), imprenditore, ingegnere e scrittore giapponese. His resignation secured the Sony position for Noria Ohga, who still intended to retain his other Sony responsibilities.Morita was often a spokesman for Japanese management.