Mel in affert nonumes, eos te suas laboramus. (781) 593-1772 FULL house at this morning’s Breakfast Club & Ribbon Cutting at the new Century 21 Tradition!

From the Lynn Area Chamber of Commerce – “Sexual Harassment, What Everyone Needs to Know”, will kick off the Lynn Area Chamber of Commerce Women in Networking Committee 2018 series on Tuesday, March 27th at Stonewood Tavern, 139 Lynnfield Street, Peabody From 5:30pm – 7:30pm. Updated: July 10, 2020Camp Creighton is open! ☕️ Stop by 61 Munroe St. to check out their latte art! The economy of Lynn employs 64,151 people and has an unemployment rate of 6.3%. She is an active hiker and enjoys cooking new recipes. #glcc #chamber #campfire #lynnma #lynnontheriseMayor McGee presenting @onemightymill with an official citation - welcome to the LACC and welcome to Lynn!! The Lynnwood Chamber of Commerce produces events to support the growth of your business. Part of a state-funded Community Development Block Grant awarded by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), Town Manager Scott Crabtree said the funds wil...Setting up for Festival of Lights!!!

The Greater Lynn Chamber of Commerce is a member-driven organization enhancing the economic vitality of Southern Essex County by fostering educational initiatives and business resources, legislative advocacy, and marketing and networking opportunities. #LACC #LynnMA #LynnOnTheRise #YMCAFilming for our new project at @bentwaterbrewing !!

The St. Andrews Chamber of Commerce was incorporated in 1968 with the objective of promoting and improving trade and commerce and the economic, civic and social welfare of the district. Any marketing or pr materials that come from the office were created by Christine! Webinar. Part of a state-funded Community Development Block Grant awarded by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), Town Manager Scott Crabtree said the funds wil...Setting up for Festival of Lights!!! Annual GLCC Golf Tournament: Monday, August 24th. We will notify you when anything happens in Lynn.Exclusive Offer for GLCC Members! #LACC #Chamber #LynnMA #LiveInLyn #PlayInLynn #DoBusinessInLynnRossetti Lynn is now offering cocktails to go!!! "Our primary reason for being Chamber members is to meet potential clients. This program first became available through the Economic Development Incentive Program (EDIP) in 2019, and can be used to help municipalities in their efforts to revitalize their downtowns and commercial areas.Transportation Forum • Keynote Speaker; Joseph Aiello, FMCB Chair giving an update on MBTA and transportation issues and initiatives. #LetsGoLynn #LynnMA #LynnOnTheRise #allinforlynn #LACC #Chamber #Member #OneMightyMillReopening Phase III mandatory safety standards, recommended best practices and a checklist for retail businesses. #GLCC #chamber #holiday #event #tree #menorah #celebration #lynnma #lynnontherise @dtlcd @mayortommcgeeSend a message to Greater Lynn Chamber of Commerce:Up next, we’re with Drew Russo, Executive Director of the Lynn Museum / LynnArts! #GLCC #chamber #event #networking #fashionshowGreat way to start tonight’s Women in Networking fashion show!! Join us tonight from 4-5pm in Central Square for a Tree & Menorah lighting, live music from St. Mary’s choir and the All City Marching Band and hot cocoa provided by Salvation Army Lynn! Join us tonight from 4-5pm in Central Square for a Tree & Menorah lighting, live music from St. Mary’s choir and the All City Marching Band and hot cocoa provided by Salvation Army Lynn! #LACC #Chamber #Bowling #YPSAVE THE DATE! […]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eu usu natum omnis admodum, sanctus interpretaris mel ei. Please send us a private message if interested☺️ also please share!LACC YP Bowling at Flatbread Salem! “We are very lucky in Norfolk to have such a fantastic team at the Norfolk Chambers of Commerce. During this time, Codner has participated on accreditation visiting committees for Association of Independent Schools in New England (AISNE), worked as a Teaching Assistant at Harvard Extension School and has been a board member and Treasurer for the North Shore Children’s Theater as well as currently serving as a Director for the Lynn Business Partnership.Christine graduated Cum Laude and is a member of Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communication Association’s official Honor Society at four-year Colleges and Universities.Christine is a native of North Reading and a 2014 graduate of Salem State University, receiving her B.A. We have not been disappointed, we’ve met around 30% of the Greenwood&Bell client list at Chamber events. It takes minutes to complete the Census!