Homes in ZIP code 45142 were primarily built in 1939 or earlier or the 1990s. Box: Lynchburg City: 0: 434: ZIP Code 24506: P.O.
The percentage of children under 18 living in the 45142 ZIP code is large compared to other areas of the country. Using any city in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays.The people living in ZIP code 45142 are primarily white.
Lynchburg, VA - Standard ZIP Codes: 24501 24502 24503 24504: Lynchburg, VA - PO Box ZIP Codes (NO DEMOGRAPHIC DATA) 24505 24506: Lynchburg, VA - Unique - Single Entity ZIP Codes (NO DEMOGRAPHIC DATA) 24513 24514 24515 Prices for rental property include ZIP code 45142 apartments, townhouses, and homes that are primary residences.ZIP Code 45142 is in the Lynchburg-Clay Local School District. For your convenience we have also indicated if that zip code in Lynchburg observes Daylight Savings time. For every 100 females there were 90.4 males.
ZIP code: 45142. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 88.6 males.Lynchburg United Methodist ChurchOriginal bell from the old Lynchburg High SchoolThe median age in the village was 35.5 years.
When mailing your package or letter, always include the preferred or acceptable cities. Its detail ZIP Code 5, ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 is as below. It also has a slightly less than average population density.
What is my full zip code of 45142?
The people living in ZIP code 45142 are primarily white.
Each Lynchburg Ohio zip code has a center Longitude / Latitude point (the Lynchburg center is -83.791000366211 / 39.241600036621). After it shows the area that you are interested in, select from the options below to print your map.
The city for 45142 is usually the name of the main post office.
The rent for 3+ bedrooms is normally $1,000+/month including utilities. Lynchburg, OH Data & Demographics (As of July 1, 2019) HOUSING AFFORDABILITY INDEX; Lynchburg, OH Housing Affordability Index is … It is also slightly higher than average compared to nearby ZIP codes. ZIP Code 5: 45142 - LYNCHBURG, OH . The median age was 33 years. State: Ohio Zip Codes.
ZIP Code: Type: County: Population: Area Code(s) ZIP Code 24501: Standard: Lynchburg City: 26,757: 434: ZIP Code 24502: Standard: Lynchburg City: 43,426: 434: ZIP Code 24503: Standard: Lynchburg City: 19,331: 434: ZIP Code 24504: Standard: Lynchburg City: 9,777: 434: ZIP Code 24505: P.O. List of Zipcodes in Lynchburg, Ohio; ZIP Code: ZIP Code Name: Population: Type This is the 45142 full ZIP Code page list.
Get the NPA NXX (area code and prefix) as well as much more data for LYNCHBURG, OH.
Lookup area code information for LYNCHBURG, OH.
What is the zip code for LYNCHBURG? Lynchburg, VA ZIP Codes. Box: Lynchburg City: 0: 434: ZIP Code 24513: Unique: Lynchburg … Apartments For Rent in the 45142 ZIP Code of Lynchburg, OH - See official floorplans, pictures, prices and details for available Lynchburg apartments in 45142 at Rentals in 45142 are most commonly 3+ bedrooms. Lynchburg Ohio Zip codes - Explore Lynchburg Zip codes.
ZIP Code 5. So you are less likely to find inexpensive homes in 45142. Map of ZIP Codes in Lynchburg, Ohio. Below is a list of Lynchburg OH zip codes.For your research we have also included Lynchburg Area Code, Time Zone, UTC and the local Highland County FIPS Code. Lynchburg ZIP Codes. © 2020 UnitedStatesZipCodes.orgThe list below includes the cities that the US Post Office accepts for ZIP code 45142. 2 bedrooms are also common and rent for $500-$749/month.
Nearby Post Office: LYNCHBURG Post Office Address: 264 N MAIN ST Post Office Suburb: LYNCHBURG, OH, 45142-9998 45133 Apartments (20) 45176 Apartments (10) 45107 Apartments (10) 45154 Apartments (5) 45142 Apartments (5)
Key Zip or click on the map. Its detail City, State, Plus 4 is as below. The preferred city may not be the city in which the ZIP is located. * Only taxable income is reported.Data sources include the United States Postal Service, U.S. Census Bureau, Yahoo, Google, FedEx, and UPS.The majority of household are owned or have a mortgage.
Looking at 45142 real estate data, the median home value of $116,400 is slightly less than average compared to the rest of the country.
In most parts of the country, the majority of commuters get to work in under half an hour.
Boundary Maps, Demographic Data, School Zones Review maps and data for the neighborhood, city, county, ZIP Code, and school zone. Post Office Suburb: HILLSBORO, OH, 45133-1167 45133 Same zip code Suburbs Belfast , East Danville , Fairfax , Hillsboro , New Market , North Uniontown , Sugar Tree Ridge , Willetsville