or. Why isn't Lucozade Energy sold in America?
Sections of this page. or. … "Lucozade Sport gives you the electrolytes and carbohydrates you need, hydrating you, fuelling you better than water. "Common sense dictated that the claim should be acceptable, because consumers were unlikely to misunderstand it," they added.Their general manager, Kinvara Carey, said: "We are pleased with the decision by the ASA to uphold our complaint regarding the high-profile Lucozade Sport advertising campaign.The drink's former makers, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), said that two health claims for this kind of drink, a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution, had been authorised by the European Union.The television advert showed two groups of men, one drinking water and the other Lucozade Sport, running on treadmills while being monitored by technicians.The company also said it "strongly believed" that people would realise that Lucozade Sport provided calorific energy, mostly from carbohydrates, whereas water has none and could not therefore be said to provide "fuel" at all.They have ruled the adverts can no longer appear in their current form.A TV ad and poster received 63 complaints over claims it "hydrates and fuels you better than water".The ASA said the campaign did not make it clear that the benefits of the drink would only be got during prolonged endurance exercise.They added: "Even if we had accepted that 'fuels' was an acceptable rewording of the authorised claim 'contributes to the maintenance of endurance performance during prolonged endurance exercise', we noted that that claim did not make any comparison with water, and we therefore considered that it would not have been acceptable for GSK to state that the product 'fuels ... better than water'." Not Now. 1933 1934 Convention City: Due to its racy content, Convention City was banned after the Motion Picture Production Code was enacted in 1934. Log In. One of the 63 complaints came from the Natural Hydration Council, a body which represents bottled water sellers.A voiceover then said: "At the limits of your ability, you need to replace the electrolytes you lose in sweat, keep your body hydrated, give your body fuel.The poster featured an image of a professional rugby player and stated: "Hydrates and fuels you better than water. Press alt + / to open this menu.
Banned in the US from 1933 to 1937 due to its erotic content. Browse The Independent’s complete collection of articles and commentary on Lucozade. Create New Account. We are no longer accepting comments on this article.Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd'Energy drinks are a contributor to sugar intake which is linked to the development of obesity and various types of cancer, as well as type 2 diabetes, and is rotting our children's teeth.The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline.A Tesco spokesman said: 'Implementing new measures on energy drinks is another opportunity to help our customers adopt healthy habits. ""There is already much confusion over the role of sports drinks and for the majority of people participating in exercise and sporting activities, water is all that is needed for effective hydration.