Alcatel Lucent stocks price quote with latest real-time prices, charts, financials, latest news, technical analysis and opinions. While some might not consider it fraudulent, it did not require any special genius to sense that the performance the top executives were requiring could only be accomplished with marginal, highly risky deals and cooking the books to the max.Lucents story exposes a national affliction destroying Americas future.
And that was the end of that.Every few years a new, poorly understood investment product sparks a new Wall Street frenzy where money cant flow into the new product fast enough, until it becomes obvious that its been oversold by disingenuous Wall Street hype, and collapses. Stodgy old regulated Bell Operating Companies were boring.It was only when McGinn put Lucent under such capital and cash-flow pressure by virtue of irresponsible, reckless CLEC financial deals that it had no chance for success. They know to bank their millions and billions before the curtain falls. It was cheaper, so the reasoning went to buy a new startup fueled by starving entrepreneurs. Also included are spin-offs of Avaya Inc.,Agere A and B, LSI, as well as the acquisition of Lucent-Alcatel. They bank theirs up front and leave the investors to take the hit. Results are interpreted as buy, sell or hold signals, each with numeric ratings and summarized with an overall percentage buy or sell rating. In addition we provide Prices at month-end for each year referenced. Even by buying customer access at wholesale prices, and criminally irrational equipment vendor financing, they had no chance of gaining enough wireline market share to survive. And the Labs were not about to relinquish control of their organizations and budgets.In only six years its stock price rose from $7.56 per share to a high of $84 after multiple stock splits, and then crashed to a 2002 low of 56 cents. Few remember that Bob Allen became CEO by default with Jim Olson's untimely cancer death. Pat Russo had bailed to Kodak and failed as a turnaround specialist. In effect there was an intentionally controlled one-way flow of personnel only from more technical organizations to less, but not the reverse. In addition we provide additional external sources at the bottom of this page as Helpful Links. Unique to, Opinions analyzes a stock or commodity using 13 popular analytics in short-, medium- and long-term periods. Ultimately, AT&T had to spin NCR back out and give up on the computer business.And the one exceptional product only Bell Labs was capable of developing, the lambda router, was canceled. Few knew that Olson was working with Bob Allen and Hal Burlingame to re-invent the company. Also included are spin-offs of Avaya Inc.,Agere A and B, LSI, as well as the acquisition of Lucent-Alcatel. With every transition, the changes become more destructive.While it was widely known among the former seasoned executives that the telecommunications equipment market was highly cyclical, it was not properly anticipated, nor did current executives anticipate the products the market shift would be demanding.Lucent tried to buy their way into emerging products that could replace traditional switching.
On the one hand, it was felt that the Labs R&D was running on a firmer business foundation. Operating companies generated no sizzle with Wall Street. Additionally we provide some older (pre-1970 historical quotes to give some perspectiveWe present month by month Lucent Technologies Stock Prices from September 1996 through November 2006.
Use at your own risk. Some Bell Labs employees would shift to more business-oriented organizations, particularly Western Electric, but rarely did employees shift from an Operating Company , Western Electric or AT&T to Bell Labs. Historical daily price data is available for up to two years. Volume is also updated but is the delayed consolidated Volume from the symbol's exchange. Entirely new corporations and innovations were going to knock out conventional businesses, and replace them with hard-charging, e-industry giants. Lucent was nearing the end of the telecom digital technology cycle when analog was being replaced with digital, and copper with fiber. They got trapped between the Asynchronous Transport Mode (ATM) Operating Company telecommunications model and the Internet Protocol Internet services model. There was one primary value: technical competency.