Logitech wireless keyboards are supposed to have a pretty long battery life, but this can greatly vary depending on the type of batteries that you are using and how much you are using the keyboard.

- Duration: 11:45. Logitech K400 Plus Wireless Keyboard for Smart TV Quick Review and Impression - Duration: 7:14. Start > All Programs > Logitech > Unifying > Logitech Unifying Software; On the Welcome window, click Advanced … In the left pane, select the device you wish to unpair. Logitech wireless keyboards are supposed to have a pretty long battery life, but this can greatly vary depending on the type of batteries that you are using and how much you are using the keyboard.
We've put everything you need to get started with your K780 Multi-Device Wireless Keyboard right here. I can safely retire now. The Logitech k480 is a fabulous product, but Windows 10 - not so much. Logitech Support; Contact; How to factory reset your Harmony. You can restart your phone and it should stay paired.

Join the conversation.Logitech Tap or Smartdock, when purchased as bundle with a mini-PC or a Microsoft Surface Pro, includes Logitech Jumpstart, which helps customers deploy as a Skype Room System or Microsoft Teams Rooms. The design of the keyboard might feel a little heavy when compared to other cheaper counterparts on the market. It would pair, but selected keys did not work, like the number "1" and the letter "R". Unplug your hub and then hold the Pair/Reset button on the back while plugging it back in. Factory Reset. If you'd prefer to delete a remote from your account, see: How to delete a remote. I'll enter the 6 digit code, and it tell me that it is unable to pair.When the Home screen is displayed, Safe mode is displayed in the lower left corner of the screen. On the right side of the window, click Un-pair, and then click Close. Low batteries are one of the most common causes for a Logitech keyboard to suddenly stop working. )Please enter only one serial number. Harmony Hub. I'll select the K480 on S8+. Unfortunately, my PC is not able to pair with Windows 10, I have been all over the internet for a fix, to no avail. Factory resetting your remote will clear all user information from your physical remote. This will remove your mouse or keyboard from the list of Unifying devices and it will no longer work with your computer. Going back to Apple. If you still have questions browse the topics on the left. These updates may still be in progress even after your computer tells you it has connected to the keyboard.

Note: JumpStart will email you to arrange a time for the phone callPlease use this form to submit a social media escalation to customer careWant to ask other users with the same product a question?
I'm loving this phone so far. Love the S8 and love this simple Bluetooth keyboard. The number "1" and "R" were okay, but I still could not use the period "." or the question mark or the pipe "|" keys. The Logitech K480 lets you pair to up to three devices at a time and switch between them via the dial which has numbers 1, 2 and 3.