LOCKHEED MARTIN offers top-notch health benefits to its employees, of which some can be used by employee's family members. From the site, you can:

In 2014, Lockheed Martin announced they will make changes to the company’s retirement benefits package. If you have questions related to the 401(k) Plan, please contact the Savings Plan Information Line. It can be accessed via the same path as the new Retirement Income Modeler.Use this new tool to model and estimate your retirement income — combining Lockheed Martin pension and savings plans, as well as outside resources.Learn about our national research and development operations centre for our current research portfolio in Australia.Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company, is engineering the future of vertical lift.Access this 401(k) planning website to help you accelerate your retirement savings today. Several investment experts have recommended prospective retirees to buy Lockheed Martin shares as company profit continues to increase. Glassdoor is your resource for information about the Health Insurance benefits at Lockheed Martin. This development was demonstrated by an approximately 167 percent profit increase, which is at around 5 billion dollars.Tycoonstory is the largest Online Network for Entrepreneurs & Startups. If you were affected, you probably know it by now, as the changes started taking affect in 2016 and will be complete in 2020. Lockheed Martin Corp employee benefits and perks data. If you have additional questions related to the Pension Plan, please contact the Lockheed Martin Employee Service Center (LMESC). All of which would contribute to the customized retirement income strategy that the advisors would formulate.Aside from the options that are provided by Lockheed Martin, an alternative retirement option is to invest in the company’s stocks. The company’s benefits for early and mandatory retirees seem to be progressive. Tycoonstory gives the opportunity to share the challenges of being an entrepreneur and offers a regularly updated resource on entrepreneurship. Learn about Lockheed Martin Health Insurance, including a description from the employer, and comments and ratings provided anonymously by current and former Lockheed Martin … Lockheed Martin’s Retirement and Savings Plan. Apart from the principal employees, their spouses or same-sex domestic partners are eligible for benefits, particularly health care. Lockheed Martin retiree health care coverage to a private Medicare exchange will provide retirees with more choices, greater flexibility, and in most cases, lower costs for coverage. Find information about retirement plans, insurance benefits, paid time off, reviews, and more. The insurance services provided through and described on this web site are provided by Extend Insurance Services, LLC ("EIS"). Apart from transitioning, they will also provide a financial assessment and a thorough review of existing 401(K) accounts. Tycoonstory explores the creative process and issues around how people, companies, and industries are making it happen. These tools can be accessed through the Lockheed Martin Employee Service Center.Apart from the plans mentioned above, retirees will also have access to the following systems:© 2016 - 2020 TYCOONSTORY MEDIA | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDConsultations to these entities are free for Lockheed Martin employees. According to recent reports, the company’s market capitalization is currently at around 100 billion dollars. I was wondering if anyone on this forum can help me with a "sanity check" on the cost of LM retiree medical.