If the screen is in the background, the host app uses the updateTokenInBackground () API with … Brands can customize the window behavior and look and feel completely.Control and manage the window resources on your systemsUtilize a different platform to manage the user view of the messaging conversation and integrate Conversational Cloud window logic Use application plug-ins to:Building applications on the LiveEngage platform provides new opportunities to touch and influence visitors—and deliver increased sales and more effective customer support on the desktop, the web, and mobile devices.Turn promising ideas into productive applications using LiveEngage APIs—points in our platform that have been exposed so developers can create applications—along with application plug-ins, which are application components of packaged business rules used for visitor intelligence, unique visitor experiences and integrations. This means that it has a delay of up to 1 minute.
LivePerson provides a complete development and testing environment, documentation, sample code, development and live keys, and LivePerson discussion forums. The LiveEngage platform includes powerful APIs (application programming interfaces) and tools that help our customers, solution providers, and independent software vendors develop and deploy new applications—extending the reach and expanding the functionality of LiveEngage.
See Prerequisites.In order to work with authentication, your account must be provisioned by an LPA (LivePerson Administrator) according to these instructions.. The maximum timeframe value is 1440 minutes (24 hours), meaning the maximum amount of time this API allows you to get data from is 24 hours back from the time when you make the call. Offer live chat from any software connected to the Internet. For complete control over the messaging window look, behavior and implementation source, utilized the Messaging Window API to create your window from scratch. The API has an inherent delay due to its nature and architecture as a historical API. The data retrieved by this API will be partial, usually limited to the last update Conversational Cloud performed to the SDEs. We will use a docker image called lp-shell to run the shell for this tutorial.
Name Description Type / Value Required; timeframe: The time range (in minutes) in which the data can be filtered. Chat API (REST) Utilize RESTful HTTP-based web services. Step 1 - Launch your Shell.
LivePerson powers the at-home workforce with Conversational AI and messaging Our cloud-based platform keeps sales and care operations running remotely while expanding your capacity with AI-powered messaging. In this tutorial you will use the APIs with the authenticated identity of the consumer using a JSON Web Token (JWT).. Prerequisites. Because this API retrieves some of the SDEs that are supported in Conversational Cloud by design, it is not suitable for brands looking for all of their data. LivePerson account enabled with two features: Async_Messaging and Authenticated_Chat.
Proactive v2.0 API comes with rate limiting, support for scheduling guardrails, high send rate and integrates with … Create a messaging window experience that is completely different than the out of the box window Conversational Cloud offers - for example - a window that takes up the entire screen.A few things you'll need to get started with this API:For complete control over the messaging window look, behavior and implementation source, utilized the Messaging Window API to create your window from scratch.Offer in-app mobile messaging on an OS not supported by the LivePerson Mobile App Messaging SDKs (IOS/Android)Conversational Cloud offers messaging windows both for Mobile App Messaging as well as web messaging out of the box. Where end time = current time, and start time = end time minus the timeframe parameter. The Messaging Interaction API exposes Open and Closed conversations with near real-time data freshness.