Definition of Attractive. Use "attractive" in a sentence. Lord Morley is attractive though austere in conversation. 2. Translations of the phrase REMAINS ATTRACTIVE from english to finnish and examples of the use of "REMAINS ATTRACTIVE" in a sentence with their translations: ...established that the community market remains attractive for the indian exporting producer. 186 114 In fact, the thing she found most attractiveabout Brandon was his smile. Examples of Attractive in a sentence Although she found the handsome gentleman attractive, Christine wasn’t sure if she could date a younger guy. 2. By using this attractive English words in our daily conversation.we can make our own attractive English sentences related to our daily life by which we can grab the attention of people easily. Although she found the handsome gentleman attractive, Christine wasn’t sure if she could date a younger guy. 4. attractive in a sentence - Use "attractive" in a sentence 1.

How to use the word Attractive in a sentence? 3. Examples of attractive in a sentence: 1. Attractive definition is - arousing interest or pleasure : charming. (8) use "attractive" in a sentence Candy is full of artificial colors to make it attractive to children. He surrounds himself with attractive, intelligent, or well-known people. At unusually attractive prices. English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "attract" His wife is very attractive, and always gets lots of attention from the men at partiesThe meat they've been putting in the garbage is starting to attract rats. (adjective) George Clooney is an example of someone who many people consider attractive… He was with an attractive young lady. attractive definition: The definition of attractive is rousing interest and pleasure, especially in terms of physical looks.

Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. The clerk was so abrasive to me I walked out the store without making a purchase. 4. (10) He does seem attractive. How to use attractive in a sentence.

The property didn’t seem attractive at first but the relator soon realized the ugly cottage had a lot of potential. Attractive; 1. 5. Attractive in a sentence. 167+21 sentence examples: 1.

The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. good-looking; appealing. I found Anne attractive but. She was attractive as well. 3.

2. The fo Repeated studies show that individuals who are physically attractive are … The Mint Bill had a new and attractive feature.

Alondra was attractivein a delicate way - her features more refined. 3. Examples of Abrasive in a sentence. Sentence examples with the word Attractive. His wife is very attractive, and always gets lots of attention from the men at parties. Use Attractive in a sentence. Attractive sentence example. Mysterious truly, but most attractive!

4. Daily use English sentences PDF eBook, all chapter are available here from lesson 1 to lesson 100 Free on I like John but I don't find him attractive physically. *** In addition, the expectation of an indefinite number of future meetingsRead More Why New York might seem more attractive is not entirely clear. Definition of Attractive Examples of Attractive in a sentence *** From spring the fall, the plant is covered with small, very attractive flowers. Susan was an attractive girl. However, massive credit to the Windies, who seem to be gelling into a rather attractive team of late.

2. Examples of Attractive in a sentence. (8) The idea was attractive.

The property didn’t seem attractive at first but the relator soon realized the ugly cottage had a lot of potential.

(8) Attractive woman living alone.

They use attractive in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for attractive. attractive-nuisance definition: Noun (plural attractive nuisances) 1. Repeated studies show that individuals who are physically attractive are perceived as superior on a variety of dimensions. A bit less attractive too. use "attractive" in a sentence Candy is full of artificial colors to make it attractive to children. The foliage is lacy, and attractive even when the flowers are not in bloom. After speaking with the abrasive doctor, I decided to look for a friendlier physician.

Drug use becomes more attractive as an alleviator of stress and strain and as a means of escape from a harsh reality. Because of Kurt’s abrasive personality, most people try to avoid him at work. I don't find him at all attractive. 5.