I'm happy to do with for free, but if something goes wrong or the funds just don't add up I may have to re-prioritize how I spend my time. Since then he has done Let's Plays of various games of all different series and genres. Keith Ballard, also known as SebastianSB, is an American gaming YouTuber who created his channel back in 2006 but started making videos back in 2013. Thank you for the support! I do this on top of another job that is currently my true income, although I make very little money. Maybe our community will one day grow to the point that this can actually be my real job.
Let's Play Wasteland 2 Director's Cut Part 1 - Desert Rangers (PS4 Gameplay)Let's Play Outlast Part 1 - Entering Mount Massive Asylum-0Monetization is the harsh reality of video production. If you choose to support my channcel you can help ensure that I have what I need to pay rent and stay on top of my various other expenses, which means I can keep making the video content you love. It feels like an absurd fantasy, but if I could focus entirely on the channel it would be much more possible to do shows that require more editing and to host regular streams. Who knows? I've been making free content for YouTube of 2011, and since the beginning of 2015 I've basically been treating it like a full time job.