One is obvious but still important: Trump is terrible at choosing appointees, and he doesn’t seem to have absorbed the lessons of his own past personnel disasters.More From the Los Angeles TimesYou may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times.But there is another point to be made: that it’s perfectly appropriate for nominations to be pulled back on the basis of information that comes to light later or because of unexpected controversy.That a cancer-surviving octogenarian’s health is of intense political focus and partisanship is sadly reflective of our time.Michael McGough is the Los Angeles Times’ senior editorial writer, based in Washington, D.C.

È quello del repubblicano John Ratcliffe, 53 anni, il nome scelto da Donald Trump per ricoprire l’incarico di Direttore dell’Intelligence Nazionale sostituendo Dan Coats, 66 anni, l’alto funzionario che ha guidato finora la National Intelligence, struttura che coordina la costellazione di 17 agenzie Usa che si occupano di informazioni per la sicurezza nazionale.

The economy is in the dumps. Prior to leading the U.S. Intelligence Community, Ratcliffe served three terms in the U.S. House of Representatives representing the Fourth District of Texas.

È pubblicato da Febbraio 2000 …Ad esempio Trump non avrebbe per niente digerito che Coats lo abbia contraddetto pubblicamente presentando il punto di vista dell’intelligence al Congresso – in contrasto con quello della Casa Bianca – su dossier come Iran, Russia (con Coats che, poco prima dell’incontro del presidente con Vladimir Putin, ha scelto di rendere noti i timori dell’intelligence sulla campagna di cyber attacchi portata avanti da Mosca contro la democrazia a stelle e strisce), Stato Islamico, climate change e Corea del Nord (in particolare i servizi segreti americani non credono che Kim Jong un voglia davvero impegnarsi per una denuclearizzare del Paese). Sir Peter John Ratcliffe (Morecambe, 14 maggio 1954) è un medico britannico.

“Sono lieto di annunciare che il molto rispettato membro del Congresso John Ratcliffe del Texas sarà nominato da me direttore dell’intelligence nazionale. John Ratcliffe, drejtor i inteligjencës Kombëtare të SHBA-së È noto per il suo lavoro sulle reazioni cellulari all'ipossia. He has been writing editorials for The Times since 2006. John Ratcliffe. The problem is that Trump isn’t a good president, and bungled nominations aren’t a rare exception but a common occurrence.Older poll workers are hesitant to work elections due to COVID-19. Vorrei ringraziare Dan per il suo ottimo servizio al nostro Paese. Biografia.

McGough is a graduate of Allegheny College and also attended the University of Kent at Canterbury in England and Yale Law School, where he received a master of studies in law degree.A magnitude 4.2 earthquake centered near San Fernando struck at 4:29 a.m., followed by a 3.3 quake at 4:38 and a 3.8 quake at 6:48.Most campsite reservations through Aug. 15 have now been canceled.President Trump’s tweet today is unprecedented, and we have to consider whether the president truly intends to lead us down a dangerous path.The records of the last four L.A. County sheriffs alone cry out for appointing them at first and later having retention elections, similar to judges.Our adversaries are increasingly using irregular means to undermine U.S. interests, but our foreign policy remains bound by static orthodoxies.Joe Kelly released the months of pent-up rage the Dodgers and their fans have been feeling ever since MLB found the Houston Astros cheated in 2017.The attorney general knows what Trump wants and needs, no memo or Oval Office directive required.Assemblyman Phil Ting said there is support for providing up to $600 weekly to jobless CaliforniansEven presidents more careful than Trump make mistakes that they should be willing to correct without fear of losing political face.